Thursday, June 30, 2011

A dream within a dream...

Today I woke up.

This morning I dreamt about a boy I miss. At first he was nice in the dream, but then he started becoming cocky, selfish and indifferent towards my feelings.

Hmph! *typical girl pouting with arms crossed*

Because he was being a douche I left.

I was hoping he'd say sorry or something,

But he didn't.

So I felt used.

And sad.

And lonely.

Other people were there though, in my dream. But I forget so easily. I only recall the events that happened with the main guy.

So I woke up.

And felt upset at the guy, and a little bit sad.

After I showered the effect of just waking up began to wear off.

So I realized I was awake in reality.


Haha. So yeah.

That is all.

I typed this whole entry with my phone!

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