Monday, June 27, 2011

Bad boys

I was reading a magazine article today at the doctor's office. The author was trying to explain why good girls like bad boys.

Well, I consider myself to be a pretty nice girl. I go to church (okie, so I'm not really religious). Er, I make good grades. I've never smoked anything. Blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, the article was making some sense. They're more aggressive and pursue the girls while nicer guys are shyer. Girls like the challenge and want to change a guy. They're more exciting, something different. They want something unpredictable, no commitment. Some girls have low self-esteem. Daddy problems? Media brainwashing (okie, I admit that I like James Dean).

At the end of the article, the author warns girls that they should watch out for bad guys because they can cause heartache. Good girls should try finding good guys, like Edward Cullen.

Wait, what the fuck?!

HE'S NOT EVEN REAL. -_______-;;

Suddenly, I didn't care for that article at all and couldn't believe I just read something like that. aweljraw;lefjaefe



Look at this list:

Do girls REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYY think they'll find someone with all of this? It's so shallow and dumb.


I'm just angry the author had me interested and believing what she said for such a long time.


Oh goodness.

Maybe it's because............

Never mind. I shall save that for another rant.

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