Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My life is good...

Here I am sitting at the computer filling out insurance info on patients...

I have a can of Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic to my left because I was going to pass out earlier I was so sleepy and Kinder bueno chocolate bars in front of me because I saw it at the impulse aisle.

I have two $135 paychecks in my wallet.

I have so much money now!

Just thinking about it...

I mean, it's only a couple hundred bucks.... but man, think of all the possibilities.

Now I'm just hoping that college doesn't drain away my account. o_o

I've really started to care less about classes because I know I'll finish EVENTUALLY.

Even if I finish my chem degree at age 22 I'll be fine with that. I'm in no rush for life...

It also bothers the fuck out of me when weird people leave the original protector on things they buy such as cell phones, keyboards or electric guitars. I just rip the damn plastic off because you don't really need it!

God, so annoying.

Anyway...... haha.

I wanted to go out tonight but I pack for.... *shudders* Jesus camp.

I made four tie dye t-shirts with Addie and Nathalie!!! Did I say that already?

Gosh, I'm so excited to see how they turned out!!! :3

Mm... I love life so much. =]

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I'm listening to some really good music on my laptop right now too. Haha.

People are so nice. I really love this world.

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