Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Did you know that I am so determined, ambitious and stubborn?

Oh so stubborn…

I usually don’t quit until I get what I want either.

I’ll admit that I do give up sometimes, but I really hate it when I do.

Also, giving up is not the same thing and getting tired.

Or maybe I’m just making a big deal out of things…

For instance, not playing a game after a while because I’ve found other entertaining things to do or not fixing something small after I realized that I don’t use it anyway is getting tired of it.

If I rage quit a game because I kept trying and got frustrated by not being able to pass a level or go through a certain area, that’s quitting. So is not fixing something I'll continue being annoyed at after many attempts.

Some things I will not give up on are my own fate (duh) and people with potential.

Does that sound weird?


If I find someone with potential to save the world, I will not give them up!!!

Even if they don’t realize it now, or if they’re completely oblivious, I’ll try my best to convince them otherwise always.

Eh, time to move on to a different rant.

I haven’t met any girls who’ve made a big impact on my life, yet. I also want to find a girl who’s going to fight to save the world. I don’t know, I think I may be over romanticizing these texts, but that’s how I see it in my mind. Why can't I have a girl to look up to?


The more I talk the weirder I sound… or the more you realize I’m a bit odd?

So far I’ve found three guys who are making a difference, or will and know they will, and one with potential. Hopefully as I grow up, I’ll start seeing more and more of them. Four people within a year isn’t bad!

Okie, another rant.

I wish my li'l sis would see things the way I do… I don’t know why I’m so upset at her being complacent in life. Yeah, she’s got it made. Her life is going to be soooooo easy. But with all of those resources, why doesn't she do something to help? It’s going to be so boring… she’s not going to contribute to society at all…  She's going to live her life and die (God, that must sound awful reading. But it really is that short and meaningless.). I really, really hate talking about my sister like this, but I feel like this will be her life:

College -> Pharmaceuticals -> Marry rich, handsome husband -> Enjoy easy life with nice things -> Children are a possibility

And that will be all that matters to her anyway…

Nothing about the world or the people around her. Maybe family, but that's it. 


I have big plans and lots of projects. Okie, okie. I have some selfish projects too that will just satisfy me and take up a lot of time, but I’ll always have the world in mind! I just really, really want to make a difference. I’m no different than anyone else… my perspective on life is just what stands out.



Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name? (I bet it's some generic white boy's name, huh?)
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your game. (Uh... watch out, because I'll definitely jump into your life if I want to. >_<)

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