Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th


So I looked up how much a ticket leaving for Spain on December 10th would be and one returning to Orlando on January 7th... It's about $900 total.

I haven't decided how much money I'm going to need, yet, or when I'll buy the tickets.

I'm probably going to go alone.

I mean, I can't really think of anyone else who has time or money. Ha.

I've never traveled outside the U.S.



July 28th I shall attend this massive Jesus camp (SAVE ME!!!) with hundreds of other Viet kids across the nation.

Then, next week I will attend a MASSIVE Vietnamese Catholic pilgrimage (thousandssss of Viet people basically set up a village in Carthage, Missouri).


I'm pretty pissed that everyone canceled the road trip on me. Everyone bought plane tickets because they're cheaper, but that's not the point!!!! *le sigh*

Fortunately for me though, that means I can save my money. Yayyyy.

Still, still. I'm not sure how much I want to earn.

So I have 34 cousins.

And I do have a favorite. :X

I'm the oldest cousin in Florida and all the kids here basically look up to me.

Except I'm sort of a confusing role model. >_<

Yeah, I'm pretty smart. 1400 on my SATs, scholarships for UCF, IQ of 160 (like Einstein!!!), can play a few instruments, in love with chemistry, president of many extracurricular activities... just all the stuff that looks good on paper.

However, I'm such a terrible daughter!!! Even I know that. I mean, in my head, I really wouldn't mind having a girl like me. Haha. I'm so stubborn and augmentative because my opinion differs so much!

I have a cousin named Elizabeth whose Vietnamese name is Nhi because my family wanted her to turn out like me... Now they wish her name is Han like my sister's. xD

I used to be my family's favorite!!! Until I turned 13. :X

Let's see.

Oh yeah, Alex.

He's my favorite cousin out of all of them.

He's quite the annoying one too.

He's the only mixed grandchild, and he looks very white. His dad left before he was born.

I feel like he's always misunderstood and mistreated by the family, so I try my best to take care of him.

He's only 11 now, but he's as tall as me!!! Freaking crazy. I remember carrying him when he was a baby... and I dropped him a few times... and accidentally walked him into a table where he got a black eye. BUT he was the cutest baby ever!

Yeah, he's my favorite. I always get mad at the rest of my family when they treat him unfairly and I try to protect him from the rest of my cousins.

He's quite musically inclined, I wish I could find a way to help him. I think I'll probably buy him a guitar. You know, he could play Fur Elise by ear when he was 8 on the piano, but my darn family won't ever let him practice because it's too loud and he doesn't even know how to play anyway.

Did I mention that I plan to attend my first slumber party on my 18th birthday?

My friend, Adeline, tells me I haven't experienced a lot of what American kids usually do so we'll have to figure out a lot of firsts for me to do.

My 15th, 16th and 17th birthdays were forgotten by my family, but that's all right because it's not like they were significant years or anything. Well, "Sweet Sixteen", but that doesn't matter.

15th birthday: My family was too preoccupied with the hurricane that canceled school that day.
16th: Some of my family was out on vacation, so I had to house sit (with a dog and multiple fish tanks). I was alone in that house so that's probably why they forgot that year.
17th: My birthday happened to be on the same day as UCF's freshman orientation, so I was gone for the weekend and I'm not sure if my family remembered and wanted to do something after I came back.

I'm pretty sure this is why my family keeps forgetting how old I am. They usually think I'm around 14 or 15... Ha.

Then again, it's very difficult to remember birthdays with the large number of people in my family. Also, everyone has Facebook now! No way they can forget. ^_^


I really enjoy eating fruit. What a luxury!

To bite into something so fresh and cool... so sweet.




I have too many plans on my mind!!! Did I tell you my dad liked one of my songs? He said it could be a hit. Bwahaha. Yeah, I kind of felt proud. It was shoddily recorded on my laptop and is just me singing while playing the guitar. He played it several times at the clinic.


I enjoy sleeping diagonally on my California king size bed. I got this bed about three years ago when my family moved into this bigger house in Florida.

It takes up about 80% of my room.

I also have two electric guitars here, one bass guitar, one acoustic guitar, two amps and a keyboard.

One stereo CD player. I love it! I swear, you can hear music from outside when I turn the volume halfway up. The sound is so crisp and clear too, if you know what I mean.


I will write a poem about things I like tomorrow, but for now, I shall be lazy and attempt to socialize with fictional friends online.

And I bid thee adieu.

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