Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And so I took that chance...

of drinking the strawberry daiquiri he offered me. We were at an arcade... Rocky's Replay. Tommy was taking me out on a date and we took my 7 year old cousin Alex to chaperon us.

Did I tell you that I have a slightly odd memory?...

I was wearing a khaki skirt with a white Beatles tee.

He was wearing a black tee with khaki shorts.

Alex was wearing an orange polo, khaki shorts and an Abercrombie baseball cap.


Alex and I were playing air hockey when Tommy came back from to bar and offered me a chilli dog with a strawberry daquiri.

He had already drank from it....

During the entire 5 sec I had to think before reacting to this plastic cup held in front of my face, this was running through my mind:

“WHAT IF HE HAS HERPES?!?!!?.... What if he drugged it??!?!! Oh my God, what do I do? I love him, but can I trust him?...”

Mind you, I was 13 and never been kissed. I was probably the most innocent girl in the world back then.

And then I took a sip.

One tiny.... little... sip.


Afterwards, I monitored myself a bit to make sure I wasn't feeling extra drowsy or dizzy.

An hour later or so at the arcade, I decided that it was fine and from then on, I trusted that kid with buying me drinks.

Oh yeah, that night was also the first time a boy touched my butt.

His hand was on my waist and when we separated to sit on opposite sides of his car his hand just slid over my butt.


He apologized right after and claimed that it was an accident.

I told him that it was okie.

But then I didn't trust boys and their accidents anymore after that.

The end.

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