Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I don't have to "work"

So I get up at 7:30 every day to shower and drive to work by 8:30 at my family's clinic.

Then, I make phone calls, take care of patients waiting, file their information, call insurance companies, do the insurance billing, make appoints and all that good busy stuff until the clinic closes at 6:30.

That's about 10 hours a day five days a week.

I don't HAVE to do this, but I do so my family doesn't have to hire another girl.

That'll save them so much money!

The clinic is opened 60 hours a week (I don't work on Saturdays) and a receptionist gets paid about $8/hr.

That's about $500 a week they're saving!!!

To be honest, I'm not just a nice daughter.

I'm just trying to trade in working for some freedom.


So my dad will basically buy me anything if I want it enough. So will my uncle.


I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like they're trying to buy my happiness and love.

At least my uncle is sincere, I'm just confused about my dad.

I'm confused about my family in general... I was basically raised through lies and manipulation and now I'm left matured with no idea which side of my family is the lesser of the two evils.

But not to worry, I shall continue learning and growing up!!!


Everyone in my family wants to escape each other.

They always want to run away because we're "dysfunctional" and it stresses them out or whatever.

Why do I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't want to abandon my family?

Maybe I'm just the self-righteous one, the child who wants to be a hero.

If anyone can take on the crazies, it's me!

I want to help! It's very possible for us to be a happy family, don't you think? =]

It just makes me sad when they give up... I really love my family. So much.

I would never run away from them.



back to the reason I started this rant.

Be warned, I am a freaking spoiled brat.

I can purchase just about any material item I ever want.

My uncle is very persistent on buying me a tablet.

At first he was going to get me an iPad 2, but I said I didn't want one.

Then, he said that he was going to get me that 32gb Acer tablet for $500 or whatever, but I really don't need a tablet......

I have a laptop AND a smart phone, both of which I am proud to say that I paid for myself. :D

Anyway, just asking for cash is really rude... *le sigh* He wants to buy me a present.

I could use a new acoustic guitar, or headphones, or a metal flute, or this other instrument....... or some CDs.

But he's going to get me a tablet anyway because it'll be easy for school.

He heard about me rooting the nook color and wanted to give me something better.

Gosh, $500!!! That's how much my laptop costs!!!

But my dad is going to buy the tablet from me for $500, so that solves that problem.

I just feel bad because I could really get my dad a better tablet than that or something

but my family is so, so, so, so illogically stubborn.


On a different note.

My uncle is pretty cool. He tries to hack everything. Uh, never mind. I don't want to talk about his accomplishments anymore.

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