Monday, August 8, 2011


things randomly blow my mind and make me really happy

For instance, I'm so lucky

I have the ability, the opportunity, the means, the choice to freaking get into a car, drive to the grocery store, buy some shrimp and breading with money I have, go back home in my car that protects me from the wet, uncomfortable rain, fry the shrimp and then eat it. Just like that.

I can do it if I want to.

And also flying...

If I really wanted to... I could standby and go somewhere for free (two uncles who are pilots, an aunt who's a stewardess). Fucking crazy man.

And THEN... I'll be inside this giant piece of metal that can take 100+ IN THE SKY, IN THE FUCKING SKY, and safely land somewhere, anywhere else in the world...

whoa... what the fuck, man? How is this possible?

Sometimes I allow myself to forget about science and just be amazed.

And on the plane it'll turn or tilt and NO ONE is falling over anywhere. We're all just in our seats...


Some of the best luxuries in life for me are showering (God, I love feeling clean and comfortable), eating a chocolate bar (mmmmm.... almost orgasmic during desperate conditions), driving (especially fast) and listening to music loudly. It's so good. I'm so damned lucky.

I plan on showering in the rain naked one day with shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

Anyway, not many people can have these four things. When I go camping I bathe with a bucket of water and a cup or if I'm super lucky I'll find a hose or something.

And chocolate. Come on. Not every place can make chocolate. You can't just walk into a gas station in Africa (well, I couldn't think of a random poor city. I'm sorry) and pay for an imported bar of chocolate from Puerto Rico for $1.50, can you??

Such a damn luxury chocolate is. It tastes good and makes you feel good and can fill you up. Mm....

Driving. I've been into cars since I was 13. Before that I would copy a girl named Sadie starting from when I was 11. Back then I wanted nothing less than a yellow hummer. Gross. Blech. Blah.

NOW I like sports cars... meh. I can't decide what's worse, but darnit I love sports cars. If feels so good to drive fast.

Or even on a boat. I love driving on a boat fast.

Like on the Chesapeake Bay, even thought we were only going 50 or so it felt awesome because we were on a boat!!! Thank God I didn't run into that bridge even though the distance of water was quite vast.........

Music's a given. Duh.

Anything music.

Listening to it when I'm asleep, on a plane, in the car, whatever

I can't believe I can play it too.

I have a freaking keyboard in my room, along with two electric guitars, a bass guitar, an acoustic guitar, a flute, a harmonica, a recorder (lol) and I think that's it.

Downstairs I have a baby grand piano, an eight-piece drum kit (Wtf,right? no one plays the drums in this house well enough to have this), dan tranh, dan bau and I really don't remember what else. Just lots of instruments...

I'm so Goddamned lucky, right?

I so am...

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