Sunday, August 7, 2011

Don't worry, kiddo

Okie then. I took a snack break while on the flight. Did I mention earlier that I wrote these last two entries on the way back to Orlando? Well, technically I am writing this one now.... but whatever.

Shit. As soon as I finished that last sentence two sentences ago I spilled tomato juice alllllllllllll over my legs, the chair and the person sitting next to me................ :X

But that's alright. I usually get away with things and I have this time. :D

No one is angry!!!!



I trust them to not read what I'm writing on my laptop either.......

and if they do then I'll just say this in case:



(But not really. I don't love love you. I just felt like it was the right thing to say... you know?)

(I'm sorry, is this getting awkward?... I think I'll continue on with my little story now...)



Let me tell you about Saturday.

So my sister, the ever so popular and coolest hipster Asian girl with a score of maybe 9/10 overall on looks+outside appearance/personality thing (I'm not exactly sure what to describe it. This is what people would see on the outside of their first impression of her, not her real personality, you know?) has boys fighting over her like usual. Guys usually approach her because she looks like the type of girl who has an outgoing and talkative personality, but in actually she prefers acting awkward for I have no idea why....
Cool Michael wanted to hang out with her.

Cool Michael as in the most popular guy from the last Jesus camp. Cool Michael as in the guy who wrote and edited two entire skits last minute. He's a genius I tell you!!! Ha. Yeah, so I kinda have a crush on him but it's whatever. It's not my fault, just that damn alpha male complex thingy... idk. But you understand what I mean, right? Like head doctor syndrome.

Anyway, he texted her and wanted to hang out again but...................


She ditched him for Awkward Jeffrey.



I shall tell you later if you wish to read this Korean-like drama.

But for now my sister has decided to come over and read over my shoulder.


Now she's folding up her arms and scrunching up her face into some sort of grumpy visage. Countenance? Ha.

I will skip the drama and get to the point without many details I suppose.

Saturday = fun because it was

me, sis, Cool Michael, Awkward Jeffrey, the singer guy (Vu), the fake fob (Tony), the big creepy guy (Kevin) and the dancer (Bao). I feel like I forgot some people...

Sis: What about Bryan?

Oh yeah. Him. And.... Vincent. Jonathan....


There were others I think....


For four miles....

to go bowling.


I wish I wasn't so lazy right now so I could tell you in detail.

But man, I WAS SCARED.

And damn Vu, he scared the shit out of me and my sister.

I love the way he jogs... Bwahahahaha.

Like a girl, idk. It's so weird.

But yeah, he ran ahead a few blocks and ran out of the bushes screaming at us in a southern accent.

I mean, WTF?!?!?!

We were already in one hell of a racist town in the middle of nowhere in Missouri.

It was 10pm and pitch black at night.

Was the bowling alley even open??

We didn't know. We just trusted Vu and followed him.


So yeah.

Thank god the alley was open.

And man, we were awful at it.... bowling that is.

Only Vu could bowl. He's usually get around 200 or so and the rest of us could barely score 50 points A GAME.... T____T How sad.

Blah blah blah.

Walking back wasn't as creepy.

I forgot to mention that before we went bowling we talked in the hallway and that Michael is a genius. I am so copying his Altoids mint box idea. I fall in love easily (for like.. two minutes tops. And not “love love”, more like heaving crushing? o_o) and his novel impromptu solutions for everything just completely astounded me.... I'm slightly competitive (oke, I'm really competitive....) and he freaking one-upped me in everything!!!! It always made me feel like “Wow... why didn't I think of that?”

For instance, he broke a strap out of one of his flip flops. Some people were suggesting buying a new pair, using glue, finding staplers or whatever and going to Walmart. I told him thread the yarn bracelet I had to hold the strap together. That's like... level 4/10 McGyver stuff right there. I used what I had around me, my bracelet and chopsticks. Then, WHAM! Michael decides to stab a chopstick into his sandal, break off the remaining wood, pull out a lighter from the Altoids box and proceeds to melt random rubber he found on the top of his sandal and on the bottom....


Genius I tell you, at least to me it was.


So yeah. Saturday was fun.

After bowling we went to the Mary statue with water and kind of just chilled. We had the funniest convos and I felt like we really made some good friends. <3

Too bad they're from all over the nation and not Orlando. I don't have nearly enough people to hang out with here......

Okie. One highlight of the night.

By 3AM Sunday the group was still chilling at the Mary statue and I decided to rest my head on my sister's lap. Then, the singer guy started singing to me in Vietnamese and petting my head/hair.

“Oh my pretty baby, go to dream. I hope you dream well tonight and I'm going to make you some delicious sour tomato and fish stew...”

FWOOSH!!!! He opens up a giant red fan with a dragon on it and begins fanning himself...


Like that was not random at all.

But I have to admit that he has a good voice.

Which reminds me of another incident................................

Don't worry, kiddo. I'll give you a break and let you read it as a separate blog entry instead. ;-)

I know, I know. My life is interesting and you want to learn as much about me you can, right?

-_-;; My sister just read the last line I wrote and then shook her head laughing “Ahahaha. No, it isn't”.

She's just jealous.

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