Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm pretty sure this guy is writing about his fantasy of me.
Here's the link to the first part if you'd like a refresher:

And here are the words to the second part.


As my new demoness led me toward our desitation, all I could do was set my gaze upon the ground. Here I was totally under the spell of the gorgeous creature that led me along with only her will and her tail around my neck. I had no idea what to feel,part of me was extremely humiliated to be led around like I was some sort of property, another part of me was excited to be in the mere presence of such a beautiful siren, while a third part of me wondered what my fate would be. But everyonce in awhile, I would take my gaze off the ground and look in front of me, where the perfect body of a gorgeous, yet scary creature walked and I could not be more turned on. Each time I looked up I heard my captor giggle, which immediately caused me to cease looking at her and put my gaze back towards the ground. I wondered if she was able to sense what I was thinking as I lay completley mesmorized by her figure or if her giggling was a mere coincidence. Either way, I was afraid to make her angry so I tried not to eye her like she was an object to be used and maintained my gaze upon the ground, to the best of my ability that is.
Finally after what seemed like hours, and another slip up, she spoke to me, "You do realize I know what your are doing, right?" she inquired.
"Umm, umm, I'm not doing anything," I responded.
"Oh silly, stupid boy. I know everything that you think, I own you, everything, even your mind and your thoughts. I know that you are attracted to what you see in front of you. And just so you know, I'm not offended by it."
A wave of relief rushed through my mind at hearing this, but then she spoke up, "However, you lied to me, and for that you need to be punished." Just then my relief subsided and fear overcame me as I became speechless as I heard, "Knees, now!" in a stern voice. At first I had no idea what to do, but then I felt her tail tighten itself around my neck as she said, "Get on your knees boy."
I immediately fell to my knees and I felt her tail loosen. I looked upwards to see if I could get a glimpse of her face to see how angry she was, but she stood with her back to me and crossed her arms across her chest, then she spoke, "Rule number one, you never lie to me, got it?"
"Yes," I responded in a hushed tone.
"What was that?"
"Yes, I understand," I spoke with a raised volume.
"I heard you the first time, but rule number two, you shall address me as goddess, do you understand? So once again, what did you say?"
"Yes my goddess, I understand, I will not lie to you."
Just then I felt her tail uncoil from around my neck and she graced me with the ability to see her gorgeous face. "Very good my pet, I have great hope for you. Now, you broke two rules and that can't be forgiven without proper punishment, so I want you to spend the rest of our journey by thinking of a punishment for each rule you broke. Do you understand?"
Just then I did the dumbest thing I could have, "But I didn't know they were..." I immediately felt a stinging sensation strike my right arm, followed to my left as my goddess lashed out with her tail. "I mean yes my goddess, I will."
"Well now think of three, cause rule number three is never question your goddess."
"Yes my goddess" was all I could speak before I felt her tail once again wrap around my neck as she began walking again, and all I could do was rise to my feet and follow.
"Keep your stare down, you need to focus on your assignment as we will be home shortly.  There is no time to be distracted." I heard her say. All I could do was respond by obeying her orders which resulted with her response, "Good boy, there is hope for you yet." Followed by a slight giggle.

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