Monday, September 5, 2011

"You sound like such a nerd..." a guy says as he gives me a funny look and leans back a bit.

We were just discussing Linux because he noticed my desktop and I informed him that I was currently using Ubuntu.

I wasn't quite sure how I should have reacted to that, but quickly afterwards he spoke again.

"Oh God, please don't take that the wrong way. I just didn't really expect it because you don't look like one. I'm a nerd too! And I think nerd girls are attractive."

So I did my signature smile, nodded my head and replied with a curt "Okie."

I continued on with my pretend studies, glancing through what my Java assignments include and continually returning to Reddit.

And to think, all I said was that I enjoyed putting Linux distros on computers and working out the kinks by searching for them online because I feel like I learn a lot by doing so.

When I was a little kid I never wanted to be a nerd. Ha.

But I'll deal with it. Does it still have a negative connotation?

I'm also awfully socially awkward.


So introverted... I keep the majority of thoughts to myself, which is good most of the time because I feel as if my opinions are ever-changing.

I haven't defined myself quite yet, but I do know what I want.

To be happy, duh.



I'll probably be back later.

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