Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm just posting conversations I have with friends...

Me: Yeah, I will have more free time.

Nick: which i fully intend to take advantage of if you'll have me. we should talk about this weekend. haha.

Me: Well, I plan on being really busy.... >_< We'll have to see what happens

Nick: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
my frail heart !

Nick: after this conversation i obviously have no more delusions about my own chances at winning you over haha
but i still insist on your company

Me; Good, because I'm not that awful to hang out with

Nick: hahaha who said you were awful to hang out with?

Me: No one. I'm just really quiet and awkward is all. That usually makes the people I hang out with feel uncomfortable because I seem bored and uninterested, but I just generally act like that. I'm perfectly fine and mostly happy just to be out of the house, otherwise I'd let people know I want to do something else because I don't enjoy wasting my precious time...

I've got to save the world before I get too old.

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