Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sometimes, all I do is try to be good.

Yes, there are actual moments where I'm not selfish and it surprises me

I've kind of been super influenced (and very easily at that) by Ayn Rand

Being selfish is good.


Sometimes I just do my best

and when it's not enough it really frustrates me

I always feel like I could have done more, you know?

Why won't this person be happy, why won't that person be happy

What did I do wrong?

And I just get so tired of this!

It takes so much effort

and when things go wrong I usually just give up, only for a bit though

I give up, sit back angrily and wait

I won't do anything or say a word

this is because I'm waiting for time to pass, I know the future is always better

just waiting and waiting...

time calms me down

time brings me new opportunities

and time lets people forget

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