Thursday, December 22, 2011

So I was singing randomly like I usually do

with my best attempts to rhyme of course

so I recorded a bit of it and these are the lyrics:

Listen to me now. You've got my heart. You've got my soul.

I don't know where to go.

You left me behind

with a deranged mind

no care for my past

I wish it would last

You tried your best to make me sway, sway, sway

It's not fair that ideas won't go away.

Ouch, you're killing me now

How could you possibly let this go down?

Showers never made you come clean

If only you knew of the horrors I've seen.

Sing with me please, don't leave me alone

What a wicked world you have so clearly shown.

Every walk I take a step leads to a needle

I'm stuck cowering, my position fetal.

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