Friday, December 9, 2011

I get it. No one wants me to die.

now leave me the fuck alone to myself

you just ruined something I hoped would change my life for the better.

You've left me alone

with everything bad on my mind surrounding me

It hurts

I'm complaining

I know I'm a teenage girl

but I wanted to run away and start over

if only for a little bit...

that's all.

I promised to return

but now I'm burnt out

What the hell else do you want me to do??

What can I do??

I might as well use all of this fucking money to pay off my debts

This is not going to make me happy

stop buying my love

stop it...


What the fuck, Nhi?

Are you really just going to get a job now

after telling people to stop throwing money at you?

I don't understand

So yeah, you're not going to Spain

But you are 18.

Not 19





.... 40


You're so young with so much time


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