Sunday, August 7, 2011

Unexpectedly trying something new?


So ______,


Anyway, let me tell you about what happened on my trip to Missouri.


Well, firstly... I did not plan on going. My sister wanted to go so my dad bought her the plane tickets; however, she couldn't go alone so he bought me plane tickets as well. Originally I had planned on working all week in order to continue saving up money for Spain (although I have just enough as it is).

Blah blah blah......................................

Last minute packing for the trip and we leave the house by 5 AM or so in order to get to the airport in time. I didn't sleep that night because I basically had to wash my clothes after the Jesus camp in Atlanta Georgia I had recently returned from.



So the security of OIA was quite lax. Although I was wearing my bangles I did not have to be patted down by the TSA as I had with my past flights.

The flight to Kansas was boring. I was basically asleep the entire time.

Zip zoop zap.

We landed and met up with the people we were hitching a ride with from KCI to Carthage, Missouri.

None of this is interesting... *le sigh*

So we're at Missouri and worried that my uncle would not let Daniel stay in our tent (just me, my sis and Daniel) because he's a boy. *CUE GASP* Scandalous.....................

But that day was fun.

We arrived in the afternoon and God, was it hot as fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So the three of us decided to begin taking pictures. We walked up to the Mary statue with waterfalls and took many lovely photos like the camera whores we are. Yeap.

It. Was. So. Hot.

I cannot emphasize this enough!!!

I mean, I thought Florida was hot!!!! But noooooooooooooooooOOOOOOO.

Missouri really was like a mini Vietnam.... ESPECIALLY after quick, random sun showers. -_-;;

But yeah, after we took pictures we decided to chill in the shade under a tree and it was all good.

I did not feel like I wanted to get high at all!

Not that I've ever been high... but sometimes I like to wish I was whenever I'm feeling miserable because I believe that being high during such times would make them better and go by faster.... right?

Oh, also, weird thing. Did I mention that I tried smoking? :X

It was with Rebecca (she's a worse girl than I thought!!! Gosh, I should have known though). But I was at her house with Richard (Mr. Goody Two Shoes) and I noticed that she had a pack of menthol Camels with only one cigarette left.

“Rebecca.... do you smoke?”
“Yeah, my friends and I were moving in my stuff two days ago and we needed smoking breaks.”
“Oh............... Can I try this one?”
“Yeah! Go ahead. You can have it.”
“Oh. Okie. If I don't want to smoke it, will you?”
“Yeah. I will.”
“Alright then, what do I do? Can you show me how?”
“Okay. First you've got to pop this thing here on the top.” *pops, she makes the cigarette mentholly*
“Okie, then what?”
“Then you just smoke it.”

So I lit the cigarette, took one really short drag and didn't feel or taste anything. Then, I took another drag and didn't taste anything but felt how cool the menthol was when I breathed out the smoke.

Poor Richard. Me and him were basically the most innocent nerds ever back in middle school. We were a pair back then. He was president of Stars Wars Miniatures Club and I was the chairwoman. Bwahaha.

He just kind of stood there silently bewildered that I had attempted something so bad.... SMOKING. I TRIED SMOKING. :X

FYI, I just wanted to try it... I don't plan on smoking. My whole family basically smokes. My gramma had lung cancer which is why my dad and uncle became doctors, so they could help her. Ironically (or is it unfortunately?) everyone still smokes.... so WTF??? Am I the only one to learn from their experience?

So yeah...

“Here, Rebecca. I don't like it.”
“Okay, I'll smoke it.”

And gosh, did she look adorable.

Like a Chinese girl, which she is.

She was cooking at the time with her hair tied back and standing over the stove with the cigarette in her mouth. I'm not sure why this image in my head stands out so much. It was a nice scene, especially in that quaint little kitchen of hers in the “Little China” apartment area.

Man, I'm going to have to tell you more of that day later. I have gotten so off topic....

Anyway, uh, I might as well finish this cigarette story because I'm going to relate something to this later.

A wee bit later I decided to try smoking again, and no, not from a quick nicotine addiction. This time I took a very long drag from the cigarette. It was an odd feeling... I could taste and feel the smoke go into my lungs and then I could taste and feel it coming out, but also cold. And seeing the dark grey smoke coming out of my mouth! Whoa... That totally tripped me out.

Yet, it was exactly what I thought it would be. Nothing special, I didn't really feel anything. I'm not sure why I expected to feel a little less stressed or something like that... but I didn't feel anything. I started choking a bit though when I realized that I was thinking and holding my breath.

What was I thinking about?

Oh nothing. Just a stupid boy who smoked the same type of cigarettes. Menthol camels... which is why I hated spearmint ChapStick for a bit, but I got over it.

I decided to try blocking out that memory from my mind and call it.... *le sigh* I guess I'm not ready to share that part of my life, yet.




Fast-forward to Missouri again.

Chill day Thursday with sis and Daniel when we arrived.

I cannot even fucking remember what happened Friday, it was that bad. SOOOOO HOT AND HUMID. Whatever.

And Saturday. <3


That was fun.

Meh. I think I'll save that for the next blog entry. I always end up writing much more than I originally intend to. o_o;;

Goodnight, my love.

I'll cya later soon. :3

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