Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anyone can write

So uh... this is my sister's writing.

A break up letter:

"I am incapable .

I am incapable of doing things for you. I am incapable of being there for you when you need me to. I am incapable of caring too much. I am incapable of talking to you for hours on the phone when you are lonely. I am incapable of checking my phone and texting you back instantly or at all for that matter. I am incapable of asking you how your day went. I am incapable of spending time with you. I am incapable of reciprocating to your needs and or wants. By now you should know I am incapable of many things and the only thing that I am capable of is probably to let you down all the time. All the fucking time. So why should anyone like you fall and or care too much for someone like me? You should probably just stop. It is only wise to do so."

And then she writes this:

"I ran away .

I left you with a tangle of words knotted at the pit of my stomach . I searched for any relative form of a response , but what I found was a pitiful excuse stuttered with doubt . Your touch was intoxicating . Morphine . An addiction I could not shake . Reality blew through me like a summer storm . I am too deranged to handle anyone but myself , if that . No one and nothing could make me happy . Not even I ."


These kind of things are all too familiar.

I hear it all the time from people who think they're different.

No, not just hipsters...

They're just the ones who are proud to announce that they can't love or make themselves happy because they're different.

They want to stand out by letting the world know that they run away to protect themselves

or whatever.

I hear this kind of stuff all the time

I read it

I text about it

I suppose it' a common feeling

for every stereotypical clique


I'm upset that I can't even help my own sister

that she can't understand me

I want her to be happy like me and see the world like I do

it's a much nicer place to live in like this

I promise

Why do you have to think that society is bad?

I don't know.

Never mind.

She'll grow up one day and I will too

I'm just waiting for college to hit her >_<

And for the world to get me

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