Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I cannot draw whatsoever

has it really been that long?

When did I stop doodling

and creating






I used to do all of that

When did I stop?

High school?





To be honest I only wrote like that spontaneously to create triangles with my text

Anyway, I stopped everything once I got into high school because I joined IB

which, fuck, was hardddddddddd and time consuming

thank God

I was smart enough to quit

yeah, that's right

I quit the smart people's club

Just kidding, only cocky people stay in that

or unfortunate souls who don't understand

but I still respect those kids who graduate with that diploma


um, anyway

what I meant to say is that I drew a cat today and it turned out HORRIBLY

which reminded me just how long ago it was since I've drawn


it's a really bad drawing

but I usually end up liking anything I make anyway

because I'm a proud girl

and can't help it that I'm vain

it's good for me to like everything that's MINE


I think I'll start practicing again

and will use this cat as the before picture

and by December I will have an after


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