Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oh, oh, oh!!!

So Vu has a good voice.

Which reminds me about the awesome talk my cousin and I had on Saturday.

We definitely bonded and from now on we're going to be best friends.

Becoming my best friend is easy. We just need to start off with an awesome time and good talking. After that, I know that you're special because I'm comfortable with you and be assured, I will spoil the fuck out of you.

I have no idea why, I just do that to all of my friends.


My best friends.

Anyway, I was talking to her that day and we were bonding when she asked about my desktop background.

“Oh, it's the album cover for Meet the Schizophrenics”
“The music thing you keep posting over and over again on Facebook?”
“Yeah. Have you downloaded it, yet?”
“No, but I've always wanted to because you keep on posting it!!!!!!!”
“Well then, you're going to have to listen to them then....”

I played the three songs I liked most. Well, actually, I played the one song I thought she would like most (Meet the Schizophrenics) and the two songs I liked most (Passion Fruit and Territory).

But guess what....

“Hey! I know this song!!!” she said after listening to Meet the Schizophrenics halfway through.
“You do?....”
“Yeah! This one guy in my class tries his best to find all the good indie bands first and show them off in class.”
“Whoa..... what the fuck. No way! Can I verify this?”

So we texted the guy and sure enough, he knew this song and band.

HOW RANDOM!!!!!!!!! RIGHT????????

Some guy from a tiny town near Dallas, Texas was listening to the Schizophrenics...

Oh. I only remembered this happening because she said the guy singing in Meet the Schizophrenics and Passion Fruit had a good voice.

Another girl named Ashley who I've tutored actually said the same thing using the same words.


I don't want to be honest right now, so I shall skip writing about the opinion I have talking to me in my head.


Oh, oh, oh!!!! Random, but not really since we're talking good voices. My cousin listened to my song “Bare” that I recorded on my laptop and said I had a good voice... <3

Nothing much, just me singing with an acoustic guitar. To be honest, the quality so horrible and I would never dare let anyone who is an audiophile or knows guitars listen to that song. Why?

Well I recorded it using my laptop and the built in mic. It's kind of staticky and sounds like there maybe be frogs ribbiting in the background. Also, I was playing a 35 year old guitar or so from Vietnam. It's very cheap and poor quality so the strings don't sound too good, but still it's close enough and gets the tone right. Ha.


That is all.

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