Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've been blogging a lot lately

because I don't want to actually talk to people.

This is completely a one-sided conversation, which I enjoy because:

1. I don't have to listen to you talk or care


2. You probably do care since this is, after all, your choice to read these words.

so thank you for caring

and being my friend when I don't want to listen to you


It's like sending out a mass text!

or something.




what was I going to say?

I forgot.

Oh yeah

I just wanted to remind you that this blog is really more like my diary

and of course I reread entries a lot

and I love myself

and my feelings

and experiences

and life...

writing in this diary is a lot


I keep using "a lot"


this blog is much less of a hassle than writing in my notebook

and it may just last forever.

so maybe I'm not actually talking to you

just myself

this whole time


Dear diary

*strikethrough text*

Dear person I confide in,

I love you.

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