Sunday, August 7, 2011

Glancing through my last three posts

and I am currently too lazy to correct any grammatical errors.

And yes, I do know the difference between maybe and may be.

I'll fix it later.

I just tend to write the sounds in my head

I may forget some verbs

I'm also horrible at tenses

(I mean... wtf, English? Vietnamese has no verb tenses. AND adjectives are the same as adverbs. AND there are no pluralization of words. Idk. It is just so much easier...)


I also suck at parallel sentence structure. I only pay attention to this so much because it has haunted me in junior year of high school. I never noticed it in my writing until then.

I didn't even know what parallel sentence structure was!

Blah. I don't want to keep blogging, I just wanted to notify my internet audience to please not be harsh on my grammar since I have not slept in four days and was typing out the entries very quickly on my flight to Orlando.

I shall see you in the morning, my love.

Sweet dreams

about me.


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