Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God, I miss you

(I obviously don't miss God... I'm talking about a person, hopefully you.)

I know I write romantically,

and I dream that way too...

Which is why I really miss

conversations with you.

I didn't plan on rhyming, so I'm going to stop now.

But yeah

I miss you

You understand me, I think... I hope.

At least I feel like you do and that's good enough.

I also feel like we think the same... or at least very similar

and I didn't even try to be like you

it just happened

I was thinking like this

writing like this

dreaming of a life

and I explained it all

told it to you through text

so romantic

It's just a dream. All of it

Emotions and experience!!!

All of it

I won't live forever

I'm giving up logic just for this instance


Because it's romantic...

that's me

No one else can explain it

only you know because you feel it

I'm sure there are others out there

I'm basing this off of Wordsworth (both of them), Pater and idk

my inspirations.

and I miss you even though we don't have to talk....

you'll understand

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