Friday, August 31, 2012

I win drafts so often. Infinite packs feel good, man. The $10 are for the promos every week really.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I appreciate all the effort my boyfriend puts I for my happiness. That is why I love him a lot and stuff. :)

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I don't care

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"I dreamt that we were at the beach and I was running my fingers through your hair umtil you fell asleep on me. I always dream about what im thinking about and for the past few weeks I've only thought about you..."

Guys are stupid

What a nice dream

I hate my memories

Sometimes I actually miss the past and reliving certain moments actually hurt more than how good it felt at the time.... :(

I wanna hug from Andrew.

I don't ever wanna let him go.

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"Good morning, beautiful"

"Hey there! How are you? :)"

"Good now because I'm talking to you. Do you like waking up to my texts?"


Yes I do

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The beginning of a relationship is always my favorite.

I have a lot of guys who just treat me like they're kind of dating me. They're sweet and say stupid things and do really nice things for me

which makes me miss feeling what it's like to receive all of that kind of attention from someone I like.

Let's erase everything

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tallskinnymusicianprogrammerwhospeaksandwritesbeautifullyinenglishwitheyesicouldlookintoforeverandthinlips... hunchesoveronceinawhileespeciallywhenhewalks.iwantsomeonewhoslaidbackandcoolupforanythingwithmeyetcaringandsweetasanyguycanbe.heshouldteachmeallthingssoicanliveon.andsmileallthetimeinsteadofgettingpissytildawn.ilovepeople.

Things are not perfect, but I want them to be.I'm not in a rush. I'm only 19, so I can wait... right?Hm.What is perfect for me?

she shivered in the cold exhaling frosty breath

muttering to herself "I'm not ready for death"

she looked up in the sky and thought of a boy

whose heart she had longed to quickly destroy

up mountains through forests to meet hazel eyes

to see the man who'll reach his demise

"Hack me" she said in a weak stance

"010110010110010101110011001011000010000001101101001001110110000101101101" he thought under her trance

Together they stared not knowing what to say


Thank god I met Kyle

I wish I could travel with him and experience so many new things

I just want him to teach me so much

Out of all the people I know, I FEEL like he has impacted me the most

Maybe I should go to China and see him

learn some Chinese on the way

play some card games

help him develop his apps


I always fall in love with my teachers. ha

like my ex

and then Kyle

but now we're friends, thank goodness

all the Asian girls love him

I've already had my fair share so I don't care anymore

and then I met Andrew

and then my life became perfect.

It's like...

I met the perfect first love

then the perfect "bad guy"

and then the perfect sweet boy I think I should end up with.

I love him a lot you know.

I think he treats me right

even if I get annoyed at little things like misunderstandings, being late, cats and having to be specific

Monday, August 27, 2012

How can someone be so beautiful? I'm using the Google text to speech app on my phone and I'm too lazy to type... but anyways I sell my TA in here. I meant to say that I saw my t a and he was beautiful.

He had the perfect style like he was from the 60's

I'm not sure exactly what it is about him, I love the way his hair was closer so stylish

Kind of like to is so I'm not so sure so I don't like that so much

Anyway, beautiful people seem to make things in life easier

I want to be beautiful. My boyfriends gonna be beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful.

I am so sleepy

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As I learned about pi
I thought of a guy
Who sometimes got high
And wanted to die.
I dreamily sighed
For my past guide
Who caused a divide
Because I lied.

You stole my heart
Don't tear it apart
Blah blah blah

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

I think my dad wants me to tell him that I love him...

I don't think I will, not for a while anyway.

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The worst thing about Andrew is that he has five cats, which is good and bad.

It's good because there are a lot of things that could have been bad about him personally, but the worst is just cats.

It's bad because I want to live with him and don't know how I'd handle five cats yet.

Five is a lot!

Home is where I'd like to be comfortable at. I wanna be able to jump on the couch and relax as I watch TV after school.

I'm afraid of having red eyes and itchy skin constantly.

Yeah.... poop

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I like you so much...

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Friday, August 24, 2012

I do not enjoy breaking hearts. I don't like it

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My family drives me insane

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

If I wanted to, I could really manipulate people and be evil.

Instead I'm just choosing to be nice and normal, why?

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I've received four texts today from random guys I know who just want to cuddle with me.


I don't know.

The one right now is having "trouble falling asleep" so I'm going to help by ignoring him

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why am i so spoiled?

my birthday wasn't that great


i just want to gets things I like unexpectedly

i have such high hopes for presents

but that's probably because i give other people such great presents...

I still haven't gotten my presents from Nick and Ben or my aunt

I just want a surprise birthday party........

with people i know.....

I just see people

oh never mind.



I'm such a whiner.

everyone at the game academy seems to think that guys swarm around me

apparently i have a fan club called the knights who say nhi

i've heard that 10 million times

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I hate it when Andrew's mopey

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Karma. This is what it felt like:

Everything sucks in my life. More bad luck things happened in two weeks than I can remember in my life....


Forgot that she's Nhi. Gotta fix that and make her life awesome again.


Thanks, life. You're the best! :)

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If money can't buy you happiness, then you're a fool.

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Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's like....

I'm stuck at 17 again.

And instead of two or four packs of cigarettes once in a while

It's two boxes of random dot hack cards.


Life is good

and I miss being Nhi.


White guys are just so damned attractive. All of them.

Especially all of them

Like gingers or brunettes or black haired guys or blondes. Whatever.

I love Andrew. He's a white guy.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

I love being me, Nhi.

I know I'm an awful person though. Ask anyone, they'll see it.


yet awesome and attractive.

That sucks.

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I had a dream last night

I might have mentioned it.

Never mind, I did.

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I love beautiful people.

I love tall people.

I love sweet people who are kind.

The grass was so nice

The sun was so warm

and I waited

All I did was wait

To feel happy

To smile

To kiss you.

"If I lay in the grass now and sing a song, he'll be awake when I get back."

I take a deep breath, finish









I always wait.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I don't think I'll draft tonight, instead I'll share a memory.

Actually... I'll think of it in my mind instead, nice and slow

Remember warm peanut brittle?

I purposely left it in the car for you

It was for me, but I knew you liked it too

And George Harrison music

You know how I play FNM and draft every week now

I used to buy CDs.

"What should I listen to?"


"Who should I be?"

At least it did for me.

I like almost all music.

I can't really get into metal, screamo, dubstep and bad country music though.

I love those songs with the perfect tones and harmony.

Remember when I got to choose a title?


I'm so old now, yet so young.

You're old.

So... old.

I've had a diary forever.
maybe people treat each other the best in the beginning of a relationship.

I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so spoiled.............................. xD
Sometimes I just want to have a kid so I can find a man who'll love his stepson.

Those are the best kind of men

the ones who'll care for and love another man's child like his own.

I don't know, but something about that is amazing.

Today I saw a man like that and I couldn't stop smiling

I was so happy for him and his family

His kid probably deserves such a nice guy to be his father

buying him a talrand deck and all.

It was awesome.
I don't know, I just figure that it's so easy for me to do more than one thing even if I'm playing in a draft. I'm always talking and stuff to other people around me during games. When I play I'm on autopilot mode and it's all good. I don't lose often. It's like I learn immediately from all of my mistakes and my brain just programs the best thing to do by default, therefore I may multitask.
How hard can it be to multitask?

Let's find out.
It's kinda making me upset that so many people react like this
"You're dating Andrew? How did he manage to get you?? He's such a lucky guy."
Well, he was interesting kind of when he asked me out on OKC so I didn't ignore him. He didn't seem very attentive towards me and I like A LOT of distance in the beginning of a relationship, you know? I like my room. Other guys just seemed to give me everything too fast: love, money and attention. Also as I kept dating Andrew I found out how wonderful he is, so I love him.
Some guys have said that he's not much competition. Some guys just ignore the fact that I'm taken and keep flirting with me so I wonder what goes on in their mind.
I wonder if the girls from CoolStuff deal with this.
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Weird dream.

I dreamt that some guy from Game Academy really liked me and hugged me pretty intensely

And then he became depressed after finding about Andrew

And I was in an elevator with three guys who liked me

It was awkward

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I can introduce you to a girl like me!

She plays yu gi oh instead of magic though

And plays videos games!

Except only fpss

And uh

She isn't as pretty but she's Asian and cute

"She already sounds a lot worse than you"


She was the best example I could think of for another girl like me

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I think I only hang out with people I feel bad for.

My boyfriend is so great. I love little things that make me smile! :)

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If I've learned anything from life and Facebook it's that I should appreciate the loving and sweet man I have. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Andrew's the best. I'm glad he can handle my hormonal outrages. Ha.

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Awwwww.... Andrew loves me :)

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Monday, August 13, 2012

I remember how sexy guys are when they play the guitar and then how awfully unsexy it was when the next guy would show off and be mediocre at music.

*sigh* Good times...

I miss musicians. I need to go back to Austins more.

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And meet new people

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I'm bored with a lot of things... I think I should do something new this year.

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Also, awesome. :)

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I... hate... losing... -_-

The good thing is that I lose in games that don't matter.

In drafts and FNM I win. :)

And it feels good to win free packs.

78 packs and counting :)

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I thought that people crushing on their friends for a long time was just something that happened on TV.

When I was in high school and middle school I didn't have crushes for too long.

I was always very blunt about it and wanted to get it over quickly.

I would ask boys to dances or out and stuff.

I remember being rejected twice. Once by Josh when I asked about prom and then by Scott later when I asked him to homecoming.

I used you be friends with Tommy but after two weeks I made my intentions clear. I told him that I liked him and then wrote him a poem.

Things just started becoming weird when I liked Kyle though.

We both liked each other but weren't in a relationship and I was fine with that

When he left that's when I liked him for a long time without seeing him.

I guess I was like the sucker in those movies.

The only thing though was I had several chances to be with him again, I was just too lazy to.

I just really liked the romantic idea.behind it all

When he came back to Orlando for me I didn't even see him.

The first time was because I was in a car accident

And recently it was because I didn't think Andrew would like it.


I have a boyfriend now and don't really want to ruin it all by taking chances.

I know I'm not going to cheat or anything but for some reason I can't predict how Andrew will feel.

Sometimes I just decide to do things on the spot or get swept up by the excitement around me.

Life is good. :)

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Also, one last thing...

I will never fucking work at a dry cleaners again.

I hate it even if it paid $10/hr.

Why didn't I work at Publix for minimum wage back then?

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One last thing I'm proud of myself for.

I've been through a lot of shitty things in my life

but I get over things so easily

It's like a magical power or something

and I try to teach people how to all the time by saying "Just forget about it."

or "This can be fixed."

Let me tell you my secret steps.


Promise not to tell anyone else

If they don't know you and they don't know me, I don't think they'll understand

Also, I want to be the one who tells them.

Anyway, as soon as something goes wrong I will go "Okie, whatever"

or "It's fine, don't worry about it."

Something like that where I don't care too much about the situation immediately

So now I'm not depressed, angry or upset

because it's whatever, you know?

Afterwards I logically think if there's a way to fix it

Is the solution simple?


If you want to be happy, don't be lazy.

Sometimes when people hear about something wrong they just act upset

They don't do anything about it either

They pretend to, they look busy and the whole time they're pretending to be busy looking for a "nonexistent solution" they obviously display their emotions of being upset

And I hate that.

1. There is almost always a solution. Don't be lazy. Do it. Things aren't that hard to do in the US and the internet.

2. If there is no solution, don't worry. Just move on.

People keep telling me that you can control your emotions

I've listened to them and now I can.

I live my life logically and through evidence of my life, not assumptions from yours.

My life is different and I want to succeed, which I am doing quite famously if I may say so myself.


I want to brag so much today!

Now I'm thinking about the musical and plays I was in during high school, middle school and elementary.

I'm thinking about all the recitals I've had for playing piano, guitar, zither, oboe and flute.

I'm thinking about the time I have modded my own Corvette and won races.

I'm thinking about the winning goals I've made for soccer and the volleyball hit I did.

I'm thinking about my previous tennis matches.

I'm thinking about how hard I've worked for three and a half years to earn money and buy a house

Remember when I started the Asian Student Association and became president raising over $7,000

as well as president of Key Club and volunteering for several hundred hours.

All that time school, work, volunteer, hone skills

I learned C and Java enough to write little games. Ha.

I made friends and spoke Spanish with them in Barcelona.

I've written two books that I really should reread and edit, but still that's a lot of fucking writing.

I've just done so much.

Since I turned 18 I've taken a break though.

I'm having a lot of fun, but not accomplishing that much.

No wonder so many people love me.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Maybe hearing the word "sweetheart" used to describe me and being thanked so many times by friends has gone to my head.

Maybe I just want to save the world too much, but is there really such a thing?

I just hate those people who make themselves sad for no good reason

No type of sadness feels good, no matter the excuses

I understand postponing euphoria for a certain amount of time.

I don't understand finding something wrong in a perfectly fine situation.

I've heard a lot of excuses in my life

and I've learned a lot from you

so just be happy.



Be happy!


Maybe I'm the only person who takes advice from other people.

Only the advice learned through experience though.

My life is so easy.

Not just because I'm lucky,

but because I listened.


I've been quiet for long time

but when I start talking maybe you should listen.


One time I was walking through a park with a friend around a lake when we passed a bridge

in the concrete were prints of leaves so I said these words without thinking and broke the silence

"No matter how many times people attempt synthetic perfection nature will ruin it all and leave its mark."

so then my friend turned to me, laughed, and said "That's beautiful and awful and true. I like it! I wish I could write the things you say sometimes. They're beautiful and random."

Of course I felt flattered and I want to say that both you and I know that what I said isn't anything remarkable

But both you and I know how amazing I can be, even if I just say something average and smile.

Have you ever felt sad?

Have you ever told the tragic story of your life to someone who cares about you?

It feels good, man

And it feels better each time you tell it.

Then you start getting good at telling this story

And then when you're done telling it to everyone your story ends up telling you that you have a good life

That's what friends do

They help you tell your story correctly

I love not being lonely <3

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I know some creepy boys and my friends are not creepy

Sometimes you become friends with people like Brett, Austyn, Ben, Kyle, Will, Bruce and Nick.

There are a lot of kids out there people think are weird

Socially awkward


Sometimes you just have to talk to them

Some people just want friends

I know I used to be the weird girl...

After giving someone your time they can tell you things no one else knows that explains their behavior

I know a few people who'd realize what douchebags they are if they're enlightened about some things

I really like being friends with people

For me, even if I haven't talked to you in years I can feel comfortable around you again if we've shared anything together.

Sometimes you just need someone to hang out with to feel normal again

I know I hate the feeling of being home every night alone

On the computer

Not talking to friends.

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My heart just broke into a million pieces when Andrew asked me "Do you just hang out with them to get good birthday presents?"

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I really should stop wearing this ring on my wedding finger.

It's like a bad habit, but it feels really weird without it.

What to do...

it's kind of like smoking cigarettes.
But if Ben gets me a good card for my birthday it'll make up for it. Or if Nick does too. Bruce bought me 3 Angels and a Hinterland Harbor already but I could have bought the sword instead. <3
I will forever be upset that I missed out on the opportunity of trading for a Sword of Fire and Ice.... -_-;;

It was right there. I would have traded for more than what it's worth.
If Ben got me a Jace, the Mind Scupltor or a Sword of Fire and Ice I might freak out.
Lots of wedding things happening.

I would hate to be proposed with a Magic card, I think

I might consider a grade 10 Black Lotus though.

But this girl had a Rings of Brighthearth

How awful is that?

Also... what's even worse is that it was altered and the text didn't even say what the card does

Instead, they had the same Magic card name but the text was about marriage

like no more loneliness and protection from something, I can't remember.

Also, my friend Brandon, who's 18, just got married.

Isn't that too young?

I don't know.

I really don't want a wedding where it looks like I'm wearing a high school homecoming dress in my backyard though.

I'm a mean person.

Friday, August 10, 2012

As soon as a guy gives me too much attention I'm really turned off

Only when I first get to know them


One reason I liked Andrew is because he paid the least amount of attention to me when we first started dating, except when on dates

The other guys I dated just kept IMing me and texting me and wanted to see me every day and kept saying they miss me already or were thinking of me but that stuff scared me off.

I used to like challenges

I feel like I've already conquered the most difficult person

And it only took me about eight months

I didn't even cry or anything!

Anyway, it's wonderful to relax with a sweet boy

I don't really want anyone else's attention

I just want Andrew to keep loving me

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Man, I have changed.

What once were the most perfect words

are now just some things greatly said.

And no, I won't stop using the phrase "most perfect"
I have the sweetest boyfriend ever. <3

I wanna write a poem

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Every time I lay in bed and see my Acidic Slime promos with my card my heart melts.

Surprises are the best thing in the world.

Good ones I mean


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I remember how jealous girls would try to set me up with othey guys so I wouldn't consider dating Tommy

And I remember the mean messages sent to me saying that guys have been sent pit to rape me and ruin my reputation

But my point is that I almost dated a bad guy

Thank goodness I didn't

The three guys I've liked are so kind and sweet

I'm just so lucky to have chosen the right ones for me each time

I think it's because I'm so wary of bad boys

I would hate to be thrown away and not appreciated

For instance, I learned from seeing several of my friends on Facebook and MySpace

They learn from the jerks they've dated and then date guys who they seem too good for at first (it's because the girls are really pretty) buy then I realized that those couples deserve each other.

I just went straight to the sweet guy.

Clever me. Ahahhaha.

Just kidding, lucky Nhi is more correct.


I hope Andrew's interview goes by fantastic

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Darn. I think I'm scaring my friend away. I might as well just stop talking to him and wait it out...

Also, I'm sleepy

Also, I love it when a guy smiles at me and doesn't say anything.

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Nick called off work today to keep hanging out with me. I cost him about $60 for work loss and $30 for food bought

And for some reason... that makes me feel cheep

I think Andrew said I was $30 too. :(

Man, that Kalastria Highborn promo is fucking gorgeous!

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Suddenly, I'm a very... very... happy girl. :)


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One thing that pushes me to not eat so much is the number of guys who've complimented me.

Being skinny feels better than anything could taste. Remember that.

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No... I can't. I wanna be skinnier :(

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Fuck it. I'm eating

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I'm very tempted to eat instant noodles

But I've been eating very unhealthy lately and all the sodium is making my acne break out

I feel so ugly

I wish I ate some more food

I want that burgers so much right now it was the best I've ever had

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Really hungry right now

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I fall in love with those who easily persuade me and those who teach me many things.

Some days I am desperate and let things go.

And forget the past qualities I used to know.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Secret codes. :)

That rhyme.

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I like new things.

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I like it when guys text me sweet messages that I can wake up to

And when they call me "beautiful" (not so much "gorgeous", bad memories)

I also like pet names

And I like it when they just look at me and smile because they don't want to say anything, just enjoy the moment

When my time and presence are appreciated

When butterflies are felt

When it hurts when I'm gone, but not too much

I love you.

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"It's a good thing you don't stay upset for too long."

You better fucking believe that it's a good thing that I don't stay angry or.sad!

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I don't like people who ignore easy solutions.

It's right there, do it yourself! Nothing is wrong... your life is good and there aren't any problems.

I also like guys who really appreciate simple things

And don't turn awesome things into insignificant explanations


Do you appreciate this art of all the blood and gore?
What he tries to represent in fantasy so inaccurate that it just becomes real and beautiful...

I appreciate those who try to make me smile

and those who smile when they see me.

It just makes me feel so happy.

I'm allowed to get upset once in a while

When things go wrong just fix it and move on

Be fake and happy once you find an answer, no matter how obvious because you'll forget it eventually... for a while anyway

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Frst nrm

Wn rguxg smh bguwy lam.

Please fi iyr qurg ne smg ytrsy ne tohjy.

Make me happy like you have several times before. :)



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I've decided.

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It's nice having friends you can rely on

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Why is my brain so sad all the time?

I'm dreaming of kisses from those I love
And of myself giving in to push and shove
I see my life easily be torn to pieces
Never the right thing or one my mind seizes
Tasty smoke, now and then bitter
I was once a successful quitter
Hugs and kisses were once so exciting
Hugs and kisses are so damn inviting
I can't do anything right when I say goodbye
Old me is scary, indecisive and lies.


That's enough of bad rhymes

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

I hate going to Kobes. Stupid church people are always judging me

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Have you ever felt bad by being disappointed in someone?

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And everyone is getting me stuff. :)


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Friday, August 3, 2012

Sometimes I find ugly boys attractive.

I never find ugly men attractive

But when they're young they can develop this charm

That only weird girls like me will notice...

I hope that they all can find a girlfriend

And that I'll stop feeling guilty when I remind them about Andrew.

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I crushed a boy's dream today.

It was weird.

My FNM dream was kinda crushed too

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

This repeat performance is goingto be awful, I just know it.

It gets worse every time!!!!!!!


Anyway, I wish I could hug Andrew now.

I miss my boy! <3

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I only know so much about cellphone plans because my ex and I were on the phone together probably 16 hours a day when we weren't together.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today was weird.

I yelled at someone today.

Also, I'm allergic to cats.

Time to get a job.

Someone likes me...

I'm beautiful

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