Sunday, February 20, 2011

To THE BOLD "Love" of Mine : )

EDIT 1: Nothing like the first one, eh? I don't think it's so bad for my first round of editing. I'm pretty satisfied with what I've written, though it's far from amazing or emotional. Maybe when I'm not as lazy later I shall edit my writing again with FEELING!!! Enjoy. <3<3<3<3<3

Oh aeolian harp, allow me play to you,
I shall be your winds of respiration.
Else, how can one be so alluring?
Though pleasing to my eyes, you are more!
Imbue your limits, harmonize;
Create honest music and shine.
Together the world is a better place,
And I will whisk away dark spirits.

In the sands of the seas
or through the moss and the trees,
you cannot be lost.
Intertwined, the world shall hear:
Every idea which is unique
Every pattern to be heard
Every memory unforgotten.

Do not leave now and keep alone
though easy to find other winds.
Will any other be so gentle?
Cherished lute, my heart awaits
for time to let us through.
Stay strong my harp,
reveal yourself!
For you were made to play
and I to always listen.
With love forever, your dearest inspiration. <3

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