Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Darn you, my most caring one!!! Why must you be the best and worst of a single world?... *sigh*

Just a random poem I wrote JUST NOW. Ha. It's actually quite dumb, but in this instance I behaved quite childishly and wanted to remember and learn from it.

Today is the 21st and I did not plan on writing,
But when he left me some things became contriting.
The tired, old man walked away without a single regret;
And after only a short night his appetite was whet.
If I were him, but I am not, I definitely would have stayed
To comfort this girl with a sad heart which could easily have been swayed.
Yet, he left! He left! After this message was relayed,
“Don't fret, dear Nhi, my love will never fade!”
Though not entirely the same as the words he spake...
But still, it was I, a wonderful girl, he hath forsake!
Now such anger rises, for I am quite a stubborn one,
And the way he left! As if he were on the run,
I wonder from me, perhaps? Or maybe from his own,
Whatever the case may be, I shall not pick up the phone!
For now I shall eat my food and wait as time will past,
Because I know in the end his love will always outlast.

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