Friday, February 25, 2011

Average Day Today. :)

Groggily waking up, I rubbed my eyes as I threw my right arm to the side of the bed feeling around for my beloved Nexus One:

9:27 AM

Good, good. Class doesn't start until 10:30 so I still have time. Should I shower tonight or have another lazy ponytail day? Oh, wait. I want to go out all night and I'm going to see the guy in black at Spanish today. I guess I'll shower... Zzzz.
*BZZZ!* *BZZZ!*“AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Feel good.” Oh Jesus! *turns off the alarm on cell phone*:

10:15 AM

WHAT!?!?! I then sprint into the shower ripping my clothes off and leaving them strewn on the bathroom floor to take a shower. Using shampoo and conditioner AT THE SAME TIME, I was done within 45 seconds tops! I then throw on some clothes and jump in my car to reach school with my hair in a wet, tangled ball and soaked clothes because I didn't have time to dry myself off. Oh well.


Uh oh. I tried my best to not be noticed, but.... *SQUEAKKKKK* *GROANNNNN* Doh! Everyone turned to see me in my wet clothes and tangled hair at the door. Quickly and quite conspicuously, I took a seat next to the guy in black. *ACHOO!!!* Of course, everyone looks at me again and the guy in black says “Bless you.” I turned to him to say thank you and slightly bow my head down in gratitude out of habit. He then flashes me this amazing smile and has such chinky eyes when he does so, especially for a white guy. *sigh* So adorable. 17 sneezes and bless yous later, I walked out of class embarrassed and went to eat at Kyoto with my aunts. So yeah, nothing really interesting today. Ha. :3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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