Friday, November 11, 2011

So I kinda smeared vaseline in my scratch

in hopes that my face won't scar

and scab over or whatever

because then it'll stay moisturized, right??




so I guess I'll go to the clinic tomorrow

to have my dad look at my face

and it's weird

it's just a scratch


(I know I'm very dramatic. *sigh* I can't help it)

but I just imagined all my luck going away

because it's my face

all the free stuff I get

and how well I do


I don't know

I mean, I'm smart too or whatever

I'm just worried

dang it

I bet it's all the brainwashing my family has done on me

my mom always cared about my face so much

so, so, so much


I just want to hide in my room for the next three days

and let this monstrosity heal.


I thought it was funny that someone tried to get Austyn banned from CoolStuff last week

because he was apparently starting trouble

by talking to me



we weren't even flirting or anything

we played Magic and I wasn't even paying attention to him


I clearly remember my attention being on Steve

I was pretty focus on his Ludevic's Test Subject deck


I've got to make one


I'm so

antsy I guess

I've never been more sleepy

Dear God

please don't let my family see my face and freak out tomorrow

I don't know what I'm going to do


I hate youth group

and sunday school

I want to quit

I'm 90% atheist, I really am


I think


I love you

I hope you still love me

I know I'm going to be ugly one day

I'm just trying to make you fall for me before it's too late

and this really isn't helping


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