Monday, November 14, 2011

well, we tried

This is the writing thing me and my boyfriend did one paragraph at a time. Can you guess which paragraphs are mine and which are his? Also, he has a degree in English so it should be fairly obvious. Ha.

"He looked at the clock. Time was irrelevant now. What day is it again? Kaden picked up his worn out backpack, slung it over his right shoulder and started walking out the door. Six feet tall with a lanky figure, the bitter baron of the present was running away again. He wasn't sure why, he just had to. Leaving before any sort of dependency to be formed had become a habit even if it had only been a year. But it was too late, it was too late six months ago when he decided to give happiness a shot. It wasn't really happiness that he had sought, more like innocence and a new beginning. He was lucky enough to find it, but was he selfish enough to use this girl?

The door creaked behind him, but he didn't think it was loud enough to wake her, especially not in the condition he'd left her. He jogged past the ragged fence, across the dirt road, and into the woods. Kaden pulled out his clock again, wound it, and placed it on the muddy ground of the clearing¸he same clearing where he'd arrived six moths before. He wiped the last traces of her blood from his chin and licked them from his wrist, his fangs almost cutting the flesh of his own arm. Her taste was sweet and he'd grown accustomed to it, but he couldn't keep doing this to her, even if she let him. He stepped back from his clock and let it tick. Kaden watched as its magic lit up the forest clearing, and he waited for it to finish counting down.

Lily woke up alone in the living room and noticed that the white sheets had been pulled over to the side of the bed. How odd, this was not supposed to happen. She stretched out her arms and yawned cutely in a high pitch out of habit. Although she felt tired from not being able to sleep last night she was happy. As long as she could get through the day she knew that she would be able to rest well and recover that night. Kaden was nowhere to be found and the house was very quiet. The cold started to bother Lily more when she sat up from the bed and the old, denim quilt fell from her. She quickly stood up and quietly walked in her socks to the bedroom and the bathroom. She was beginning to panic and then looked outside in the backyard where the grass had overgrown since no one was willing to cut it. He was really gone.

She instinctively rubbed her neck where he had drunk from her. It was always sore the next morning, and normally she took a few moments to stretch and shake off the dull pain, but there was no time now. Her heart and mind were racing. Had Kaden really gone? He used to frequently talk of leaving and how he couldn't stay with her, but it had been six months; she thought they were past that. His toothbrush and black bathrobe still decorated the bathroom. She peered back into the bedroom, looking for something that could have been missing, something to indicate he'd really left her. The clock. That stupid always-stopped clock of his. It was gone. She dashed to his nightstand and uselessly touched the dustless space where it had sat. Really gone, then? She went to the window and pulled back the black curtains, as if he'd be standing there. The dew was only starting to melt from the sunrise, and she knew that if he'd gone, he'd gone hours before. Kaden and the sun did not get along.

Kaden stared at the ground. It was useless, he had given up. Years would pass before he could return to his original mental state of hating everyone and everything. He left the clock behind and walked to The Enchantress, the only place that allowed him to think in solitude. Two miles was nothing. He didn't think while placing one foot in front of another over and over again, he just did it until he reached his destination. After 20 minutes he sat down in the dark booth at the corner, pulled out his laptop and ordered a coffee in an attempt to be as normal as possible. Sloppy brown hair paired with his unshaven face made him look almost homeless, but girls always love a rugged man. He didn't want to think. All that he needed right now was maybe 100 years flashing right by and everyone forgetting him. That was such an easy solution, but he couldn't wait, not with what he knew. Had leaving the clock behind been a mistake? No, he knew the girl well enough, or at least placed enough faith in her. Perhaps it was just the blind love convincing him that everything would be fine in the end. Nothing would affect him anyway, physically at least.

He let the coffee cool from hot to just under one hundred degrees. It may not have tasted like blood, but at least it was the right temperature. He pulled up his e-mail. Worthless, he thought, he was going to run away. But no, he had left his clock and let it tick down . . . he decided to come to The Enchantress instead. He'd be going back home to Lily, and his e-mail did matter. They were from friends, Lily's friends, but they were part of his life now, too. He watched as the other late-night regulars chatted drunkenly at the bar under the light of the muted infomercials on TV. Was this the life he was staying for? Maybe, but it was better than what he'd left behind.

Lily pushed through the automatic doors of the airport still in Kaden's black dress shirt along with her mini skirt and Louboutin heels. She then pulled a metallic black credit card out from her push-up bra and quickly told the girl behind the counter "I want the first flight to Norway." Incredulous, the girl asked "Which city?" "I don't know, whichever is listed on top!" Lily accidentally shouted. The poor girl then glanced at Lily's passport, charged the black card and booked a flight. "I like vikings" Lily whispered to herself. Did she really just spend $1300 on an impulsive trip to Norway? She confidently strode past security and then into the terminal. She had packed nothing and didn't need anything anymore. After walking by a random vendor selling cellphones and candy Lily asked to borrow a pair of scissors and sliced up her only means of currency. "Oh shit, I forgot that it's winter" Lily said aloud. A little girl with short brown hair and wide blue eyes quickly looked up and stared at Lily. "Eh, I should have at least brought a jacket or gloves" Lily said to the innocent child before grabbing a pack of gum and walking away.

He had sat in the bar all day, but now night was falling. He'd forgotten his phone; no, that wasn't true. He'd left it on purpose when he wasn't planning on going back. But that sentiment passed and he didn't have Lily's number . . . not without the precious records of his phone. She knew he couldn't travel in daylight, and he thought she might have looked for him at his normal spot, but no matter. He was on the way home now, and he just hoped she wasn't too worried. He meant to pass back through the clearing in the woods to retrieve his clock, but as he grew nearer, the branches and leaves looked progressively more burnt. He picked up his pace as he approached, and found it as he'd worried. The whole clearing had gone up in a burst of hot magic, but his clock wouldn't have had that effect unless a human had been there when it counted down. And the clock, it was gone now. Lily? Could she have come looking for him and stumbled upon his ticking clock? But that would mean . . . She's headed for Norway! Kaden dashed to the house and inside to find his phone.

Lily sobbed in her seat as more passengers walked in into the cabin. Why was the Juicy Fruit losing its flavor so fast? She suddenly tensed up and began to massage her neck and shoulders. The damn clock was ticking so loudly and she wondered if anyone else could hear it. Lily then untucked her shirt to awkwardly retrieve the clock that was held in her skirt's waistband. It was amazing how no one stopped her with such a huge lump sticking out the back, especially with the strict TSA rules and all. It was a brass alarm clock that appeared to be from the 1940s or so and its face was a profile of an Indian chief. As she was staring into the clock's face a portly man plopped right down into the seat next to her. "Why are you so alone?" a deep voice asked. "Excuse me?" Lily replied looking at her neighbor. "Huh? Oh, I didn't say anything, m'am. Do you mind if I sit here?" the pig-like man asked. "No, go ahead" Lily answered. "I said why are you so lonely? Did I stutter or something?" Lily and the man next to her both turned their heads to look at the clock. The Indian chief's face had a stern expression, and it was talking to Lily.

The ancient vampire stirred in his coffin; his psychic dreaming had roused him. He cracked his bones and growled through his fangs for his unsated hunger. With a snap of his fingers, he released the spell preserving his Norse goblet, and downed the blood from it. He felt his stringy flesh grow thick and vigorous again, and he shook off the last of the dust and cobwebs that had coalesced on him in the last . . . How long had he been dreaming again? He made his way from his coffin chamber through the dark corridor and could feel the chill, though the cold was of no consequence to him. He traversed the maze of chambers that comprised the complex, and the blue light and modern music emanating from the room ahead ensured him that his memory had not grown as dreadful as he might have worried. "Kaden's totem has been activated," he announced over the sound of the blaring rap music. His young-looking compatriot turned in his swiveling chair, startled, then turned off the music and gave the ancient vampire an inquisitive look. "But it was activated in the presence of a mortal, and we still don't know where Kaden is. But we do know that the mortal will be coming here."

BOOM!!! Kaden landed on the plane near the nose after his short flight. In the cabin the porky fellow next to Lily shrieked while everyone else stared. "Sorry for the unexpected turbulence, we have gone through an air pocket" the pilot said over the speakers. Kaden crawled towards the window of the cockpit before smashing the glass with his fist. "WHAT THE MEMPHIS?!" the pilot shouted before running off like a little schoolgirl behind the co-pilot into the cabin. "There's a terrorist on the plane!!!" the co-pilot screamed out when he burst through the door. Everyone began to hectically yell and run around when the door to the flight cabin eerily creaked and reopened. Silence. "Where's Lily?" Kaden asked. "Wow, you look classy" Lily said in a hushed breath. She began to eye him top to bottom. Kaden's hair was all over the place and he had changed into his famous navy blue tailcoat and black breeches. "I want my shirt back" Kaden said. He was serious."

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