Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So for the last two nights I've been dream well, except they're not about my boyfriend.

Last night I dreamt about this blonde guy I know but don't talk to

I remember that I was at the back of some cafeteria during some crazy guy's lecture

about I don't remember and how kids from my church were complaining about the cars parking in the back

then the guy lecturing asks to use the internet when he sees me turn on my laptop

which I was doing t look up some YouTube video this guy made about his condition

and then wham! Dream switches to me with this cute blonde guy I know but never talk to

and I'm with him at apartment looking thing which looks and feels more like a hotel room

I feel like I remember a green hotel looking bed with a lamp and night stand

Blondie and I were sitting on the floor for some reason

I feel like me and him were talking at a friend's house before we connected and then I decided to go with him since he was going home

completely innocent dream here, okie?


anyway,  my family was calling and texting me like crazy, but I ignored them

I'm 18 and said I was okie, I don't see why they have to worry

so this guy is really cute and we're sitting together with our laptops like nerds

I forget what we were discussing, but he'd lean over to kiss me every once in a while

but not on my lips (just like Andrew! ^_^ <3) though

In the dream I was trying to figure out when the right time to kiss him on the lips was

I didn't wanna scare him

and then he asked me if he could use the internet

and I had just turned on my laptop

he noticed that something was wrong with it and that I should restart it right away

I told him it was always like this

He listed what was wrong, something very smart about Linux

I told him no, I didn't do that or whatever. No idea what he was talking about

told him how I downloaded like 2.5 years ago

He said that was no excuse

thought I was adorable and was disappointed in me

probably was going to teach me later about linux stuff

and kissed me on my forehead

then I hear my parents outside

my dad knocks on the door

I let him in and introduce him to the blonde guy by a shortened nick name because I don't want my dad to know the he's my ........

I came home with blondie at around 3 I guess, it's now 8 in the dream

blondie starts freaking out a little bit, breathes heavily

I stay calm and answer in vietnamese so guy won't know what we're talking about

god, this is so embarrassing!!!

I remember blondie was asked by my dad "How do you think she'll reply to this question?" os something like that

guy replied "Probably "da"" and da was said in a girly voice

I don't want to remember more after that


I recollect some bits about people from Austins like Adeline and Alex and a motorcycle? No idea why, don't feel like trying to remember because I have to study for chem. :(

I bet it was fun though, I love those two people!!

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