Friday, November 11, 2011

Last I heard he was a movie star

who stole my heart away

because I let him be free

but I really know that he misses me

Remember when they told me he was rich?


I don't care

(probably because I am too)

*sigh* Tall, dark and handsome

it was all a dream

an illusion it seems

Every step taken, twice the distance of mine

Out to the restaurants, how fine we dined

Remember that coat thrown on my shoulders?

It's lost in my closet, I couldn't feel colder


music plays in my head

I'll never worry about being dead

Remember that smile with crooked teeth?

It was gross, but hey, it was neat


the smell of smoke

how I'd always choke

Tears staining my eyes

and I thought he was so wise

strum, strum, strum goes the guitar

Oh, and how I know that he's so far

all in the past, no more to go

And in the future what will I have to show?

I don't care about that little car

it's yellow, so what? He's at the bar



there goes my heart

and he's the one to blame for it to start


all three of them

all four.

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