Friday, November 11, 2011

Be proud of me

I'm lovable and make people smile

Sometimes I just want to be nice, you know?

And then there are douche bags who ruin everything for me

and make me look weak

and jerky


just be nice, okay??

Can't you just take other people's emotions into consideration?!

What have you got to lose??


it just frustrates me sometimes


do you know how much someone will appreciate you?

All you have to do is listen for a few moments

don't laugh at them


and I care.

I really do care.

This isn't fake

other people may be

but I'm not

It just hurts me inside when I see you be mean

All of you

... geez.

I like smiling

it's nice to smile

I like spending time with people who'll appreciate my presence and be happy

just to have a friend

to finally hang out with

and be normal

cared for

I like being heard

don't you?

I've just had a frustrating day today

I'm sorry

for all this rantiness


There are so many people being misunderstood

and I think I know them all

how gullible am I?

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