Sunday, October 30, 2011

Remember when I was 17 and loved telling everyone how old I was??

I don't know why

I also really liked older guys

so that was a bad mix...

a troubling one

that would've gotten people in trouble

But anyway

I'm 18 now

and my age really doesn't faze anyone anymore

because I'm 18.

I was 17 only 2 and almost a half ish months ago!


I think I've dated a few guys


my first (and no longer only! :D) boyfriend was 5 years older

then I kind of became obsessed with a guy who's 6 years older (I have no idea what happened)

and there's Max who's 4 years older (crush)

and I dated Michael for a few weeks who's also 4 years older

and now my 2nd boyfriend (yay!) is 8 years older.

and then I think

these aren't that many years....

and I keep getting older so the numbers seem smaller

because when I was 13 and whatshisface was 18

that was WEIRD

and when I was 17 and <3 was 23 that wasn't so bad, I think

(but it still was because I was a senior in high school :X though I did attend UCF)


and now I'm 18 with someone who's 26.

He's 100 months older than me!

and always will be!

Isn't that weird to think about?

Right now he is 146% my age.

Whoa.... haha.

I mean, I don't care... but it's silly


He was probably aware of Bill Clinton (who's birthday is the same as mine) being elected president

and stuff like that

and all those video games I missed out on for not being born yet

Anyway, when I'm 21 he'll only be 140% my age...


the percentage continually decrease.

I have nothing else to talk about now and my room is SO HOT.

so I have to turn on the fan now

cyall later!!!!!


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