Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm randomly thinking about cigarettes right now in my trig class. If someone offered me one I'd probably take three drags and feel disgusted.

I don't want to smoke, mostly because I'm too poor............


I know it's unhealthy for me too or whatever, but I don't really care about that.



So I ate a blueberry muffin today.

The cashier recognizes me now because I go there every Mon/Wed/Fri morning.

He told me that he was in my chem class because he saw me taking the test.

So we talked for a little bit and then he said "Have a nice day!"

I stood there awkwardly for a bit, kind of smiling and just looking at him

"I hope he remembers to give me that muffin I paid for" I thought to myself

Bahaha. After what felt like 7 long seconds he realized his mistake and got me my muffin, which I grabbed before quickly walking away.



That is all. Nothing really interesting, yet.

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