Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm going to comment on this list I saw online.


Here's a full list of qualities the perfect man apparently possesses:
  1. 6 feet tall (Alright, yeah... I like tall guys)
  2. Toned and athletic (and a nice body)
  3. Brown eyes (That's my least favorite!)
  4. Short dark hair (Eh, it doesn't matter, but I actually prefer longer hair)
  5. Smart dress sense (Maybe? Not better than me though. I don't know! I don't think I notice actually.)
  6. Beer drinker (Yeah, okie. I like men who know their beer)
  7. Non-smoker (Doesn't matter)
  8. Wears smart jeans, shirt and a V-neck jumper (I like v-necks...)
  9. Gets ready in 17 minutes (Why 17?! What about 5?)
  10. Stylish (This is the third time...)
  11. Wants a family (Eh. I don't know if I even want one)
  12. Earns £48,000 ($77,000) a year (That's not enough)
  13. Loves shopping (I would hate that in a man)
  14. Eats meat (Duh. I eat meat)
  15. Clean shaven (meh)
  16. Smooth chest (whatever)
  17. Watches soaps (NO. What? Why? What women want this?)
  18. Enjoys watching football (Meh)
  19. Drives an Audi (Meh)
  20. Educated to degree level (He doesn't need a degree, just be clever. Please don't be stupider than me.)
  21. Earns more than his other half (Eh)
  22. Jokes around and has a laugh (Duh, it'd be creepy if someone never laughed)
  23. Sensitive when his wife/girlfriend is upset (Yes)
  24. Says 'I love you' only when he means it (Eh)
  25. Admits it when he looks at other women (He can keep that to himself)
  26. Has a driver's license (Eh)
  27. Can swim (Eh. I hope he can for his own sake)
  28. Can ride a bike (Eh)
  29. Can change a tire (Kinda, yeah. This is too easy to do and does not require any skills, just common knowledge.)
  30. Calls mom regularly (Why would you want this in a man?)

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