Friday, July 27, 2012

I used to just want to get having sex over with
I thought that it'd make me more comfortable and casual about it
Sometimes I would think "I wish Kyle would just fuck me now so I can get it over with."
I thought that'd help me move on from him when he would leave
A year later Andrew and I have been dating and I don't really know
At one point I just wanted to get it over with again.
I mean, I kept hearing people warn me to wait until I'm ready
And it was very comforting when Andrew told me that I shouldn't feel like I owe him sex
Sometimes I do though...
I just feel bad that I'm not emotionally ready to fully satisfy him physically
I like to give a lot, but I've always been told that giving up my virginity is giving up everything...
I don't know if that's true yet
But right now I think it is
So I'm waiting until I know he's the one
But how do I know?!
I really love him
He makes me happy
I want to live with him.
Do he love me a lot like that?
I don't know.
I just know that I don't want to lose him!
So I will wait and see how things go.
I love Andrew Wilson so much.
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