Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I don't hate Tommy or want to be with him anymore or anything.

It's just that his mom still bothers me. Like how she kept telling me I was fat.

I just have this really bad want to prove myself worthy. You know? I just want her to realize that I was good enough (actually, I'm too good) for Tommy.

Tommy's wife is just so much worse than me when using his mother's guidelines.

(I'm sure she's a sweet and caring girl who loves him. They deserve each other, I'm just going to rant about materialistic things.)

Firstly, I am much, much prettier than his wife....
His wife is white, I can speak and write Viet
Tommy's mom was so embarrassed about his wife that no Viet people were invited to the wedding...
Her own son's wedding.

Anyway, I come from a very, very good family
Viet families with sons always get introduced to me and my sister
I'm smarter.
I'm going to school now and will become a doctor. I was pushing Tommy to be a lawyer. I even studied with him.

I'm younger. It's pretty fantastic being an 18 year old girl.

I was more active in the Viet community, Magic has taken up some time though
I was more fashionable. I've gotten lazy after dating a hippie and going to college. Ha
I had everything expensive, including the stupid Mont Blanc pens in my stupid Fendi bag.
You know those pens were $800 and Tommy lost one??

I am musically inclined.
Do you know how many performances I've done? I play every freaking Viet instrument and old people love that shit. Stay close to your roots.

I'm not bad at sports. I did tennis and volleyball. I was cute in a tennis skirt back then...

And Tommy was actually in love with me.

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