Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm not sure if I've already posted this poem.


Hearts are falling everywhere
Yet no one here is really scared
One by one they all will tear
So much pain he has not bared.

Fire falls down by his feet
Eyes dart up instead of meet
Twenty souls pass through the street
Yet no one dared to even greet

"Hello, I'm alone. Listen to me
Maybe you're the one who will see
The magic behind the old Blue tree.
It only picks up the true and free"

I stopped to hear, plenty curious
The old man seemed so mysterious
Maybe he's just overly delirious
But with eyes sincere, this must be serious.

"I love you, kind girl. Thanks for this chance.
You've given me hope to sing and dance
When no one else would even glance
Yet you're here in such a trance.

I love you, kind girl. You're a sweetheart.
I promise our souls shall never part-"
That is when I stopped and looked away
I will not give this fool my time of day.

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