Thursday, July 7, 2011

Totally just remembered

I used to love performing monologues...

I started in 5th grade.

In middle school I acted a lot, then not so much in high school.

In high school I did perform a lot of monologues in English class. I also took drama.

Eh, never mind. This is a pretty boring topic.

But I have to tell you, my best monologue performance EVER was in front of some Disney agents when I was 14. It was about some sad, depressed child in denial that her parents were getting the divorce. She was blaming herself and trying to figure out why.. maybe even how she could save their relationship. The beginning was very innocent and chipper but as the monologue goes on the audience begins to feel sad for the child (or me, the one acting!) when she reaches her main points, breaks down and cries.

Man, I had tears running and everything. I'm so good.


That is all. <3

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