Friday, July 8, 2011

I thought I'd tell you this now

I got into a fight with a black girl in middle school because I was better than her in P.E. I happened to run a mile the fastest, which made my overall fitness score the highest. Because I earned the award she wanted, she shoved me from behind into the basketball court's concrete ground one day. We got in a bit of a tussle until the teacher broke us up. Fortunately for me, I was the teacher's pet and got away with it while she was punished. After the fight my hands, arms and knees were badly scraped. We were running the mile again that day so I just got up and started running. Then after two laps there was blood EVERYWHERE so I told the teacher I was going to the nurse's office. Well, the nurse was actually just a guy substitute teacher who let me wash myself off. I then asked him for bandages which he started to put on me and wrap around my badly scraped arms. I told him that I wanted triple antibiotics on it first, but he said that the stuff didn't work and was just a myth. That really pissed me off because I did not want scars.

Like really... it PISSED. ME. OFF that he didn't give me triple antibiotics because I did not want infections.

At that age because my dad's a doctor and I was a bit of a rowdy kid, I knew not to use stuff like Neosporin often since my body would develop an immunity and allergic reaction to it. However, if the wound is pretty serious, I should try my best to prevent the infection. I can't believe that teacher made me argue with him for what seemed like forever before I could get some medicine!

So yeah. That is where the barely visible scar on my right hand comes from. It was the deepest scrape and didn't heal all the way because it probably got infected during the time I was arguing with that ignorant (okie, that's probably too mean of a word, but I couldn't think of a better adjective) man.



But really. That has to be one of the most stupid reason for me to have ever been in a fight.

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