To be completely honest, I'm just waiting until school starts again so everything can be completely normal.
To be completely, completely, COMPLETELY honest... it's very tough for me to not be with a guy (or girl I guess) right now.
But I'm going to anyway.
I'll wait until school starts.
Then I guess I'll start dating normally.
Or at least try to.
So far I haven't seemed to experience anything relatively normal. All relationships remotely romantic have been deemed unacceptable.
Also, I'm picky and lately I haven't been.
That's not bad or good, just something I noticed.
I can't wait until school starts, this feeling I have is so awful.
I'm just thanking the Lord (well, not really... more like my luck or whatever) that I'm still so young and my future is pretty fucking fantastic right now. =]
I love my life.
Also, I looked pretty today.
I was really cute!
Mmm... so happy. Orange tee that was pretty fitted and black shorts. My hair was parted pretty weird and awkward since I let it dry in a towel wrapped around my head after I showered.
Cell phones totally blow my mind. They're so awesome. So smart and capable of just about anything these days.
My cousin was really cute today about the formal goodbye to my grandparents.
I'm going to go to sleep now while watching Arrested Development.
I'm so sad and happy at the same time. How can this be?... ha.
I have nothing much to say really... I guess.
I just wanted to blog since I haven't in a while. A while to me at least.
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