Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nonsensical improvised song

Oh bare, old boy, I thought you were the one all along
But it seems like all these years have been wrong
Why couldn't I deal with Mr. Right
Instead I gave in to him the first night
He called me over with soft lips
And swung me over from my hips
I should have known that man of sin
would never in his day let me win
I fought all along, but I was wrong
Who lied and told me I was strong
That man of his with _____ eyes
Was so persistent in my demise
I wish those steps weren't carefully taken
I should have know I was mistaken
Oh boy, you've seen to killed me now
With a bitter heart oh so foul
As a ghoul would have in the dark
I fell in love from the start
I hate the past and all I show
If only the brain was such a foe
Call me mad I've fallen down
Yet cannot scream with all this sound
That boy I love will never come back
It's not happiness that I lack
I just miss the comfort of ease
and something else that nobody sees

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