Thursday, August 9, 2012

I remember how jealous girls would try to set me up with othey guys so I wouldn't consider dating Tommy

And I remember the mean messages sent to me saying that guys have been sent pit to rape me and ruin my reputation

But my point is that I almost dated a bad guy

Thank goodness I didn't

The three guys I've liked are so kind and sweet

I'm just so lucky to have chosen the right ones for me each time

I think it's because I'm so wary of bad boys

I would hate to be thrown away and not appreciated

For instance, I learned from seeing several of my friends on Facebook and MySpace

They learn from the jerks they've dated and then date guys who they seem too good for at first (it's because the girls are really pretty) buy then I realized that those couples deserve each other.

I just went straight to the sweet guy.

Clever me. Ahahhaha.

Just kidding, lucky Nhi is more correct.


I hope Andrew's interview goes by fantastic

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