Sunday, August 12, 2012

I know some creepy boys and my friends are not creepy

Sometimes you become friends with people like Brett, Austyn, Ben, Kyle, Will, Bruce and Nick.

There are a lot of kids out there people think are weird

Socially awkward


Sometimes you just have to talk to them

Some people just want friends

I know I used to be the weird girl...

After giving someone your time they can tell you things no one else knows that explains their behavior

I know a few people who'd realize what douchebags they are if they're enlightened about some things

I really like being friends with people

For me, even if I haven't talked to you in years I can feel comfortable around you again if we've shared anything together.

Sometimes you just need someone to hang out with to feel normal again

I know I hate the feeling of being home every night alone

On the computer

Not talking to friends.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

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