Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm pretty sure I really like this guy! :D
(IMing each other)

"me: Hm... It depends. I usually don't talk, but people enjoy my company anyway and I like to listen to whatever stories they have.

1:47 AM
Andrew: I can't imagine you not talking.

me: Ha**

Andrew: ;)

me: <3 There may be some people who don't like me though. I'm not sure...

Andrew: :O That I legitimately can't imagine.

1:49 AM me: It's dumb though, I agreed to a date with one of the regulars and he took my quietness as me ignoring him. Some people feel really awkward and uncomfortable around me. >_<

Andrew: ohh
1:50 AM That makes sense.

me: I should work on talking. I'm glad that you don't mind!  

Andrew: You are smart and clever, so I like it when you talk. "

**For those of you who don't know, I am really shy and quiet. Andrew was being sarcastic about not being able to imagine me not talking, which is why I laughed. In fact, I bet I only said 10 complete sentences tops on our first date! >_< He's a good guy. I like him. :)

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