Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So there I was... alone.

Sitting at a table in Chick-Fil-A, I was eating my nasty chicken biscuit with hashbrowns and orange juice. Earlier I had convinced myself that eating breakfast would significantly improve my test taking abilities since I had procrastinated on studying last night. And here I am now in the Student Union still procrastinating!

But let me return to my story.

I was hoping I would meet up with a friend by coincidence, maybe I should call/text someone? I do hate eating alone. As I was slowly munching on my food, unusual fantasies and thoughts began entering my mind. What were some ways I could earn an A? Also, it'd be weird if Michael came in and I found that he wasn't really a vegetarian. Ali is a vegetarian, but he comes here for the milkshakes.

I don't know, my mind was just wandering around.

Then, I thought of Jon and how we had briefly mentioned that luck is relative.

All of a sudden, I had an epiphany

Everything in life is relative...

Yeah, sure, this may not seem like a mind-blowing idea or like an incredibly useful thought

but it made me feel different.

EVERYTHING... is relative.

Even time!






In my 18 year old mind, I saw that I had suddenly grown just a wee bit wiser.

What am I going to do with this knowledge?

I'm not sure, yet.

I'm sure it'll help me understand people more though.

And to think, I suddenly just feel more thoughtful after feeling sorry for myself eating a chicken biscuit.

Dammit, that's $6 I spent that could have been used for I don't know... two gallons of gas.

I really like driving around, okie?

Everyone I like lives so far, or maybe it's just because I'm in Bithlo. T_T

Er. So yeah....

Wish me luck on my Java exam!!! <3


So I've been gone from the Internet for the past two days.

It's only been two days!

I haven't tweeted nor Facebooked.

People noticed... quickly too!

I received several texts the day I deactivated my Facebook as well as IMs and e-mails.

I feel special.

They noticed.

God, I am just some messed up kid!

I do not want to be the average teenage girl. Ha.

Me and my random stuff.

I haven't figured out what to do next...

I'm sure that doing things on a whim will get me in trouble one day.

Planning ahead further just seems to scare me because I know in the end that plans never work

They haven't for me at least.

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