Here's a full list of qualities the perfect man apparently possesses:
- 6 feet tall (Alright, yeah... I like tall guys)
- Toned and athletic (and a nice body)
- Brown eyes (That's my least favorite!)
- Short dark hair (Eh, it doesn't matter, but I actually prefer longer hair)
- Smart dress sense (Maybe? Not better than me though. I don't know! I don't think I notice actually.)
- Beer drinker (Yeah, okie. I like men who know their beer)
- Non-smoker (Doesn't matter)
- Wears smart jeans, shirt and a V-neck jumper (I like v-necks...)
- Gets ready in 17 minutes (Why 17?! What about 5?)
- Stylish (This is the third time...)
- Wants a family (Eh. I don't know if I even want one)
- Earns £48,000 ($77,000) a year (That's not enough)
- Loves shopping (I would hate that in a man)
- Eats meat (Duh. I eat meat)
- Clean shaven (meh)
- Smooth chest (whatever)
- Watches soaps (NO. What? Why? What women want this?)
- Enjoys watching football (Meh)
- Drives an Audi (Meh)
- Educated to degree level (He doesn't need a degree, just be clever. Please don't be stupider than me.)
- Earns more than his other half (Eh)
- Jokes around and has a laugh (Duh, it'd be creepy if someone never laughed)
- Sensitive when his wife/girlfriend is upset (Yes)
- Says 'I love you' only when he means it (Eh)
- Admits it when he looks at other women (He can keep that to himself)
- Has a driver's license (Eh)
- Can swim (Eh. I hope he can for his own sake)
- Can ride a bike (Eh)
- Can change a tire (Kinda, yeah. This is too easy to do and does not require any skills, just common knowledge.)
- Calls mom regularly (Why would you want this in a man?)
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