Thursday, May 24, 2012

I do want to finish my poem though.

I'm going to start over. (sad, romantic things are my favorite. unfortunately (or fortunately?) i have only experience two sad relationships that I can write about. sure things get repetitive but hopefully i'll be able to convey what i felt well eventually. i like to think back to my literature classes and all the awesome, strong words i've read. i'm just kinda lazy with practice to writing the styles i like so instead i just kind of experiment and crappily write the first words i can think of in order to form a sucky poem. i remember things well though so i'm sure i'll get it right one day)



I didn't expect you to leave

When I made you that tie dyed shirt

With a metal heart on the sleeve

I sewed it myself, trying to be cute

The girls were jealous

You liked me as mute

I listened and heard and got your last kiss

I was the only girl you would ever miss

Yeah, yeah I'm growing up slowly

I no longer think you're infallible or holy

There's no logic in short tempers , not really much wit

I tried to stop you, to get you to quit

Blue, purple and green you gave me a chance

I thought in my life such thinking was advanced


i feel sick

i'm going to stop writing this awful poem (my choice of words suck soooo bad. why did i even allow myself to write like that?)

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