Thursday, April 12, 2012

I used to want to be married at Disney's castle like a princess...

Then I wanted a small wedding at a church

then I wanted to go somewhere far away and get married spontaneously

keep it a secret for  a while...

then later plan a reception


I used to want to be married by 22 because that's in the year 2015 and I like numbers that are multiples of 5, and that was the earliest one

then I was like

maybe I'll be married and have children by the time I'm 28

I pretty much don't care now

maybe I'll never get married

I think it only mattered to me so much before was because I was Catholic

Went to church every week, volunteered, prayed

I tried converting my ex for three years or so but then the last year I was in college and my world was rocked!


oh man


life is fun

you never know what to expect :)

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