Okie dokes. It's time for me to tell you what happened two days ago. I can't really recollect much, but I'll try my best!!!
So I had to drive all the way down to Melbourne to fix the trunk of my Corvette and get my first oil change. My baby, Eros, had finally reached 5,000 miles. I asked on Facebook and Twitter if anyone wanted to join me, but no one answered and off I went alone to fix my car. After that was done I was getting kind of bored and lonely, so I decided to head off to the beach alone. Recently I have just been going out without telling my parents while I become a distant loner... It seems as if I'm separating myself from the world a little bit more and more each day. I'll try to fix that later. Anyway, at the beach I changed into the bathing suit I always carry in my backpack. I also brought along a towel to the beach and wore my sunglasses. To be honest... I always carry along a towel and an extra set of clothing just in case of the rare possibility of me having to go through a walk of shame after a one night stand. At least I'll have a pair of clothes to change into! Haha. I started this habit last year when I was working out and kept clothes to shower into, but then I stopped working out and had this one experience of accidentally sleeping over a guy's house (even though we didn't do anything). Thank God I had some clothes to change into because my parents were already freaking out enough as it were. So anyway, back to my beach story!
I had to park at a parking meter and had enough change for 2 whole hours. After I pushed the coins in, I started walking towards the sand and water with towel and book in hand (I ALWAYS have a book in my car). There were some guys playing catch with a football and they all stopped to stare when I started walking down the wooden steps (not that I'm gorgeous or anything. It's just a natural reflex for people to stop and look towards something or someone coming up.). Not having anything to do really, I asked if I could play too. They let me and we shared cursory introductions before throwing the ball around. It was fun for a bit and we were all laughing, but then I kind of suddenly felt tired of making weak attempts throwing a football. I couldn't even throw a spiral! They were all just being nice to me. >.<
I left to lay out in the sun/read my book and the guys then pretended to act really disappointed that I was going. It was slightly awkward the rest of the time I was at the beach because we remained next to each other although we didn't talk again.
I left to lay out in the sun/read my book and the guys then pretended to act really disappointed that I was going. It was slightly awkward the rest of the time I was at the beach because we remained next to each other although we didn't talk again.
At first I tried reading, but it was so hot and sunny! I mean, I was just lying facedown on my towel trying to read through this corny teenage romance novel in the blazing hot sun and dry air. I did manage to go through a good 20 pages or so though before giving up. Then I tried walking around near the water. I didn't really want to go into the ocean and swim because that would mean I'd have to rinse off and dry off before driving back home into my Corvette. After I quickly became bored again, I decided to just nap for the rest of the hour and fifteen-ish minutes I had left in the meter. During that entire time of “napping”, I was really just in that phase of "half-asleep and half-awake, but still aware of my surrounding even though my eyes are closed"... you know? When it was time to go back into the car, I was EXHAUSTED. Ha. I guess it was because I really wasn't napping. I was also super sweaty and felt gross. Blech. I couldn't wipe the sand off of me or anything either!
Oh yeah. Laying out that long also made me BURNT BROWN. Like, I look Filipino now!!! I'M SO BROWN. My family is really mad because they only think I'm pretty with fair skin like I did in winter. >.<
But I digress. Back to my story!!! As I walked up the wooden steps again to my car I waved goodbye to the boys and suddenly had a realization. I was in Melbourne! Last time I was here I made two new friends and still have their numbers. I decided to text beach bum Kevin to see if he was free today. Ha, of course he was free. I then drove down to where he and Jay were. They're two homeless guys I met who bummed liquor off of my friends last time we visited. Kevin is 32 and Jay is 40. They were flirting with me when we met because I was buried under the sand as a mermaid and needed someone to take my picture, so Kevin took this opportunity to take a pic of me and get my phone number so he could send an MMS. I never told them how old I was, I just let them assume I was around 21 because of the liquor.
I met Kevin and Jay in front of a real estate building and parked my car there. We decided to walk around and go to Jay's parents' house because they were away and are basically never in that home. Please don't judge me. I know what I did was super risky and my family would kill me if they ever found out, but I don't know. I could just tell they were really sincere people I could trust. Anyway, we were at Jay's parents' house and met up with a few other homeless people. None of them had food, but they all brought their own alcohol. Kevin mixed me up a “suicide drink”, which was basically everything they had plus some tea. It didn't taste bad or burn at all, so I was fine. All we basically did was just hang out and chill. This seems to be the crowd of people I hang out with these days. People who can sit around with their friends and be happy. I love this feeling sooooo much!!!
I felt as if Jay and Kevin were fighting for my attention the whole time, but Jay asked to talk with me alone so I did. He's such a character! He actually chose to be homeless and bum around the beach. He tells me he has about $90,000 in the bank from selling his home and has decided to just hang out with friends for the rest of his life since he's getting old anyway. I love him and he's really funny. Plus, at the time he was also starting to get drunk so I loved his personality even better! Anyway, we walked out for a little bit and he seemed to get really serious all of a sudden. He started telling me about his experiences with Asian people and how much he respects us. He asked about my parents and I told him how they were born in Viet Nam, but escaped to the U.S. before meeting each other in Orlando and marrying. He asked if I was born here and I replied “Yes”. He then started telling me how amazed he is by stories like my family's because even after all they've been through I was raised so well and am doing great in life now. He said that such greatness makes me royalty and that I am a queen. “I bet you're your daddy's princess, aren't you?” “Yeah! Ha, it's in my name. Hanh-Nhi.” “Well, you're a real queen, you know that, Nhi? Now don't you let nobody treat you no less than that. Don't you ever let a man take you for granted. Make sure you save yourself for the right guy because I could tell from the first day I met you what a great person you are inside. It's been years since I've ever seen such a well-defined and kind heart like yours, and I'm not just saying that to get in your pants.” Suddenly, I felt very awkward and flattered at the same time. I took his compliment to heart, I'm glad he thinks I'm a nice person. During this entire deep conversation Jay was holding onto my hands and had taken off his sunglasses to look into my eyes. He was pretty good at being sincere.
Kevin finally walked outside to see what was going on and decided to drag us all back in with the group. Then Jay raised a glass of alcohol and cheered for me. “Here's to the nicest woman I've met in years! This girl was willing to be kind to us AND use her time to hang out even though we're just a bunch of homeless beach bums!” Ha, I kind of felt special having all those people cheer on and agree with him. Sure, there were only about 10-12 people there, but they all liked me! Afterwards I started to mingle with everyone else there and we had fun, sort of like a mini party. I had a tiny buzz going on earlier, so I waited for it to go away since I normally don't drink in public. I finally left right before the sun set.
Kevin and Jay walked me to my car, and as we said our goodbyes Jay asked for a hug. Of course I agreed and then he gave me the biggest and longest hug everrrrrrrr!!!!!!! During the whole time he was ranting on about how fantastic hugs are, how happy I have made him, how I'm the most comfortable person he's ever held onto and etc until Kevin finally saved me by asking for a hug himself. I felt kind of sad saying goodbye to them, they're such nice people. I really love my life.
Kevin and Jay walked me to my car, and as we said our goodbyes Jay asked for a hug. Of course I agreed and then he gave me the biggest and longest hug everrrrrrrr!!!!!!! During the whole time he was ranting on about how fantastic hugs are, how happy I have made him, how I'm the most comfortable person he's ever held onto and etc until Kevin finally saved me by asking for a hug himself. I felt kind of sad saying goodbye to them, they're such nice people. I really love my life.
Things got kind of boring after I left Melbourne that day though. After that all I had to do was pick up my aunt from Universal, drop her off and then I decided to stay over my cousins house. Yeap yeap. That is all. <3
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