Sunday, June 26, 2011


"Do ngu!!!"

I am called that often.

Literally translated -> Stupid stuff, stupid pile, stupid thing...

And that is why I hate the word "stupid"!

English or Viet, I cringe whenever I hear the word... sometimes I'll get angry when someone calls me that whether or not they're joking. I can't help it, yet. I mean, I'm trying. And please don't call yourself stupid or dumb, especially when you're OBVIOUSLY not.

Sometimes the person known for calling me this gets into an argument with me.

Oh wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

By the way, if you don't know, I'm pretty book smart.

Not very street smart, yet, but I'm getting there.

Sorry I keep comma splicing... I just like to create pauses and they're all intentional.

I was also reading some of my writing when I was younger and found out my grammar used to be horridly Asian, but since I've begun typing my words have significantly improved. Bwahaha.

And now I shall end with a song I have written:
(Hello darling was originally something else, but I have edited the lyrics for this blog. Also, sorry if you don't enjoy the immature rhymes, but I quite like how well it describes myself as a person when I wrote this... Ahaha. I love it!)

(Chorus) Hello darling, you stole my heart,
Please don’t hurt me and tear it apart.
When you smile I'm your slave.
I don’t know what to do, I’m not brave!

Encountering you was not intended,
I left my judgment undefended.
If I’d only said "no" that night,
I wouldn’t be stuck in this plight!

About to leave, you caught me off guard.
You trapped me with your words, left me barred.
I came to listen with a closed mind,
But after a while I began to unwind.


I did not plan on being aroused.
Your touch so soft drove me insane,
Fighting you off seemed too mundane.

Waking up with you was such a dream,
It’s hard to believe in fairy tale themes.
I’ll never forget that spellbinding night,
Of when I first met you and felt so right.


Now as time’s passed I know I’m wrong.
I wish it’s a lie that you are gone.
Fairytale dreams don’t come true,
But I wanted to believe in them with you.

I made a mistake, so I lied.
I couldn’t do anything, so I cried.
If only this was another time,
What I did wouldn't be such a crime.


I finished writing these lyrics some time last year, but I keep changing the tune. I'm going to completely change it up when I'm done though, this is only the start.

Also, it seems as if all of my song lyrics are much, much, much simpler than my poems. "Well, duh" I say to myself. I want people to analyze what I write in poems to understand me (secretly hoping that poor, unfortunate high school and college kids will have to annotate them one day) and I'd rather people just sit back and enjoy my music. Is that weird?

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